Ist ein Madenbefall eine häufige Todesursache bei Kaninchen?

Hallo ~

sterben Kaninchen oft an einem Madenbefall? Ist dies eine häufige Todesursache bei Kaninchen?

Ich bedanke mich schon jetzt für hilfreiche Antworten und wünsche eine schöne Zeit sowie alles Gute.

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2 years ago


Well, you know my story. I hate to tell her again.

I’d say it’s average. It often affects rabbits who are badly held and sitting in their own dirt. But of course, the feces of the rabbit can also be caught in the fur.

I control the health of my rabbits every day. Clean the cradle at least weekly and pay attention to daily fur care. Still, it happened.

Greetings and I hope I could help you

2 years ago


Aaaaso, I must say that I had in my entire career as a nursing place (totally I had over 50 rabbits, of which 20 lives now) no single case in which a rabbit died of grub attack.

And I had a long coat of torment. And with many rabbits on a heap, there’s too much urine that starts flying. And the animals live outside. Without a fly grating.

So how do we do that?

– daily smashing of the toilets

– daily returning the crap

– always dry the PVC floor in the stable, old urine with spatula scratch

– sieve the surface once a week

– in winter weekly control, in summer every two days complete control in the intimate area

— so always immediately notices when an animal has soft Kot or Gar diarrhea. In this case we bring the animal to the house with a partner during the treatment

In addition, I regularly use Ardap for the walls and ceiling of the stable, I use lots of air and the corners below are sealed with metal strips so that no urine and dirt pulls under the floor or into the walls.

So I’ve never had grubs in more than 50 animals – despite many weakened animals.

Of course something can happen, you can’t be sure. But you can really prevent a lot by proper hygiene. Fly larvae can slip after 8 hours – so every day after hot days.

Don’t worry too much, just be tidy and careful:)


2 years ago

In the first, incorrectly fed animals and in the case of breeding animals which are sensitive to the gene combination for oblique skin colors or shapes and other sweet malformations, diarrhea occurs more frequently, the anus soils and especially in long-haired animals glues the skin around. In these cot bonds, these flies lay their eggs and when the larvae slip, they eat the stain, which is painful and the animals die from blood poisoning or circulatory failure.

If you see here alone how many people can reproduce without warning or buy an animal first, the conditions are quite common.

In normal short-haired healthy-grown rabbits, grubs rarely occur

2 years ago

Frequently relative. The most common cause of death (apart from natural factors) should be stomach problems / intestinal closure and similar.

But yes, there are enough cases of this infestation, unfortunately. It’s not really rare now. In addition, the chances of survival are rather poor when such an attack is present.

2 years ago

I think it’s not the cause. The maggots – the flies that put eggs in the fur – are only coming later, when the animal died. They are the destroyers of the cadavers.

2 years ago

Oh, my God. I’m sorry I wrote a wrong answer. I had my cat in front of you.

2 years ago
Reply to  AriZona04

This is not the case – and I would like to avoid taking into account the details – is relatively unsightly:

If you are interested in: animals/madeinfestation rabbits/#:~:text=cancelles%20with%20infestation%20usually,%20evils%20K%C3%B6rperparts%20eat%C3%9Fen.

2 years ago
Reply to  LePetitGateau

Thank you.