Is a liter or a kilo of clumping litter for cats cheaper?
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Liters are higher than kilos of weight.
Each provider will give you the literary and article weight as well as the kilo price.
If you’re looking for a cat litter, you’ll get to the kilo.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
Thank you.
If the price is the same, the kilo is considerably cheaper because of the volume.
A litre of cat litter are probably not more than 500 grams +/-
Klumpstreu is not (fr)essible.
liter is a volume unit
Kilo is a weight unit.
And what does one have to do with the other?
Good morning, Troll.
Very simple: weigh one liter off…
Since the density is <1 the price per kilo is always higher than per litre ...
Then the question should be made comprehensible. 1 liter of cat litter weighs significantly less than 1 kilo.