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Server miteinander, Ich bin Sven und bin 40 geworden und habe einen Sohn. Mein Sohn hat sich zu Weihnachten Yeezy Red October gewünscht und ich habe mich gewundert wie Teuer diese Schuhe sind. Das kann doch nicht sein. Deswegen meine frage… kann man diese Schuhe günstig irgendwo kaufen oder wie sieht es aus? Danke im…
With me already in summer…🤣
More than that, but if you already have one, of course you can wear it.
I’ve never liked any other skirts.
Depends on the surroundings and the figure. The border between sexy, vulgar or embarrassing is narrow. At work, it’s just when you’re already accepted, I’ll say “mutual” fashion.
With a friend in the evening it is natural chique – except you go to the church and sit in the first row – then the Christmas children begin to stutter….
(I as a man always liked to wear leather, but now I’m too old for it, it currently looks too dandy/hippy, too cool, I would have to be rock musicians that it still goes. I’m just an employee.
I don’t see anything on the street right now.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t wear one if you want. 💁🏻
You can wear what you like, but I think no
So I’m on mini leather skirt wearing women. Looks good.
at me every time…you look mega sharp on your profile picture 🤩
Sure… because,
otherwise they wouldn’t have such a high market…
No, they’re still in the closets.