Ist ein Joint zu viel beim ersten Mal kiffen?

Hi, ich wollte mich mit einer Freundin morgen treffen und wollte mal aus Neugier ausprobieren, wie es ist bekifft zu sein. Sie bringt für uns beide einen Joint mit, jedoch bin ich Nichtraucher und hab halt auch noch nie Gras geraucht 🙂 Wäre 1 Joint für mich alleine zu viel? Ich hab bisschen Angst abzukacken und hab auch kein Bock mich irgendwie zu übergeben oder so. Sollte ich davor irgendwas gegessen haben, weil man kriegt doch sowieso Hunger? irgendwelche Tipps? Muss ich Angst haben oder nicht 😀

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

If this is halfway potent stuff and you are able to inhale, even a train can be too much if you are looking for it. No one here can tell you how you will react individually to cannabis. If it has to be, feel at the effect. The effect of smoking takes place within minutes, but it can take up to half an hour until a train unfolds its full effect. Only then you know if it was too much or not.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

1 year ago

You will feel enormous cough irritation when you try to inhale cannabis smoke as a non-smoker. If you can get the smoke in the lungs then

  1. draw at most one, twice and not more often,
  2. wait 20-30 minutes (“Peak Level”) whether a high develops
  3. avoid joints with cannabis and tobacco in future trials, because tobacco must be evaluated as extenders. It is carcinogenic, falsifies the effect of cannabinoids and is – rightly – prohibited in Dutch coffee shops as “scatter” in joints.

Helpful reading to avoid mistakes in handling cannabis: “Rauschzeichen” by Wurth and Geyer

1 year ago

No spicy but not too fast smoking just enjoy