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Hi leute ich bin 12/m und ernähre mich sehr gesund. Ich habe heute in der früh ein ei und eine scheibe brot gegessen. Zu mittag habe ich 3 teller wokgemüse gegessen und heute abend gibt es sushi. Ist das zu viel darf ich auch snacks zwischen durch essen? Ich kenne mich null aus und ja….
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Damit meine ich jede “Sauce” einzeln für sich und ich hoffe auf mehr als die übelichen Verdächtigen wie Pommes oder Burger. Bin gespannt:
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Many fresh and rich ingredients are usually on it.
That’s healthy.
If this is such a broken backyard snack, where the cocks dance on the table and the fat drips from the walls, of course less. So make sure the store is clean and the store is so built that you can see the preparation.
In addition to the fladen bread and sauces, a genuine, good and high-quality döner is healthy.
so meat has the things the meat has. is not unhealthy. The many vegetables are also healthy because it lasts vitamins and so. The sauce is still the most untiring because it does not have a lot of proteins, vitamins or nutrients. The bread is so medium I think. So as long as the vegetables are not somehow old or so ka is a döner I think healthier than a burger.
Well. It certainly depends mainly on the meat used. This can be top-class, but you also often see the undefined “meat meat.”
But it is for me that a “good” döner is still much healthier than the fast food of the usual chains!
Everything is relative!
A well-made dungeon can be healthy if it consists of lean meat, fresh vegetables and moderate sauces. The combination of proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates can provide a balanced meal. The quality of the ingredients and the method of preparation are crucial.
No. And really nobody eats Döner because it’s so healthy.
Gammel meat is never healthy and for döner you only use gammel meat.
Just as healthy, as lovingly administered by hand, organic, and vegan, from regional cultivation, abductant.