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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

There’s no real time for a movie break. You should not drink so much at any age that you don’t know what happens.

Pick up the topic and learn from it.

2 years ago

A noise in young years is a great health risk:Organs can be damaged, but above all, brain ripening can be impaired. Long-term damage is also not excluded. Alcohol is a cell poison that has an anesthetic effect.› inf…

Information for parents: Alcohol? Know your limit.

With 16 you are still fully in your development, physical, mental & mental. Such excessive alcohol consumption as you apparently did, has introduced you consciousness disorders/spiritual opacity or formulated it in a simpler way, you had a film crack.

In this quantity to consume alk, also in adults has negative consequences for the brain. Since your “hard disk” (= brain) is not yet “formatted”, the consequences are, however, even more serious and the more often/regular you consume alcohol, the more sustainable are/are the negative consequences.

I hope for you that your health is worth enough and you will at least consider how to proceed with alcohol consumption.

For clarification: Neither wert nor urteil ich, this text is purely informative.

2 years ago

I had it at your age on a class trip. Apparently we went to sleep, I still know, but then we got up at night, and I guess we did two more hours. But I can’t remember it at all.