Ist ein Dorf/Stadt mit 12.000 Einwohner noch ein Dorf oder schon eine Stadt?
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Was sagt ihr?
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Legal, administrative, historical and architectural is both possible.
There are communities in this size that are not a city and do not look like that. And other with official categorisation as a city (e.g. large district), old town center, city rights already in the Middle Ages and urban infrastructure.
So I know municipalities have 12,000 inhabitants and are not city.
In the case of mayors, the size categories are also included, it does not mean a city.
It’s a city. regulations/vefrl_stadt
However, if it feels, or in the language of the environment, this definition can certainly be quite different. Without knowing the church, it is difficult to make a vote. Many rural cities have a lot of space. For me, many cities are still a village, even depending on the density of shops, companies and leisure facilities.
You can’t flatter that. Henstedt-Ulzburg and Seevetal have significantly more inhabitants and are still not cities to mention only two examples.
I heard, but it has been over 15 years ago, villages with less than 10,000 inhabitants are villages. I don’t know if that’s true.
This depends not on the number of inhabitants, but on whether the place has been granted city law.
12,000 inhabitants are definitely not a village, regardless of the name!
From 50,000 I call city
all from 20,000 small towns
For me, this is a small town / a municipality or district town, something like that.
A village is for me a place with few inhabitants (I say about 3000) and poor infrastructure – where you have to go somewhere else, for example if you want to go to the doctor, to some Edeka, to a further school and elsewhere.
A pretty big village.
A small town
A small town.
I would call it a small town.