Is a demon dangerous?
Hey, this isn't a joke…
My little sister is 6 years old, and today she saw a man dressed in black who was apparently holding something silver. My little sister thought it might be a knife. She also thought that the demon, spirit, or whatever came through the wall and came right at me. I'm a Christian, but I'm not the most religious.
I'm so scared of these things…
Please help me I have no idea what to do
It might be worth asking this question to the operators of the following page:
Very interesting are also the experience reports that find themselves on this page, in which people find very different things in esotericism, in occultism, etc. have experienced liberation from this negative situation.
Or also here: Online Care Portal – ERF
Thank you for the “Stern”, very dear greetings and blessings of God!
Hello could be ghosts have seen the also time with 6 and still see those who can’t go through walls and a demon depends on whether to annoy and what he has for a propeller etc
I’ve always had such a weird bond with ghosts. But I have no idea of demons at all. How can a demon be nerves or what could the problem be?
Demons are easily irritable and are relatively dangerous from home, but it depends on how his past was there normal demons that are not so bad except when one really annoys or insults or there are more likely what was already dangerous in the past with them then is not too late but generally one should have respect for spirits as they can also be fatal I know from my own experiences
There’s no such thing. The person could exist and look like this but going through the wall is impossible according to the laws of physics. She may have seen the person and thought up this story.
There are no demons. These are inventions of people to scare other people.
I’m sure it was just your sister’s fantasy. There are no demons in black suits that visit six-year-old children through walls. So you can go to sleep quietly, and you’re probably not going to die tonight.
Talk to a pastor and ask if he could bless your house with holy water.
Or ask directly whether he knows an exorcist and asks him for help.
You may also look below one of the links I found on the Internet:
How can I find a priest exorcist? –
Contact-Exorcistration – Exorcism and Consulting
Exorcism: Interview with a practising exorcist | Die Tagespost (
Church and – Catholic exorcists with new president – How do they work?
Otherwise, I would recommend moving to another house (if it works).
Good luck, God’s assistance and good improvement!
There are no demons.
What would it have done?
She probably told you bullshit to scare you. She’s 6 years old. Telling small lies or fantasy stories is typical for younger children.
Go to bed and sleep.
Hahah that was really no fun