Ist ein Dacia aus Baujahr 2013 mit wenig Laufleistung ein guter Gebrauchtwagen?
Oder sollte man die Finger davon lassen? Taugen die überhaupt was als Gebrauchtwagen? Was meint ihr? Hat vielleicht sogar jemand schon Erfahrung?
Oder sollte man die Finger davon lassen? Taugen die überhaupt was als Gebrauchtwagen? Was meint ihr? Hat vielleicht sogar jemand schon Erfahrung?
Moin, ich habe derzeit ein iPhone 11 und möchte das auf meinem Motorrad als Navi benutzen, hab dafür eine Ram-Mount Handyhalterung. Mein Cousin hat sein iPhone X auf einer Halterung gehabt und seine Kamera ist dadurch kaputt gegangen, und die Reparatur hat dann natürlich Geld gekostet. Jetzt weiß ich nicht ob ich mein Handy da…
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Guten Tag, ich möchte mir einen Huracan zulegen, der Verkäufer meint aber, dass es nur einen Schlüssel gibt.
Nehmen wir an, ich wohne in Köln, absolviere meinen Führerschein (mit Ausnahme der Prüfung) aber in Düsseldorf (beispielsweise wenn man dort arbeitet oder zur Schule geht). Welche Ausstellungsbehörde würde dann auf meinem Führerschein stehen? Die von meinem Wohnort oder die der Stadt, in der sich die Fahrschule befindet?
Hallo zusammen, mein Corsa b bj. 2000 springt sehr schlecht an. Er war in der Werkstatt weil die steuerkette neu gemacht wurde. Zudem wurden neu gemacht: Zündkerzen, Wasserpumpe, ölpumpe, stirndeckel(gebraucht), Keilriemen, Spannrolle, Ölwechsel(15w 40). vor dem Besuch in der Werkstatt sprang der Wagen sofort an. Daraufhin habe ich erstmal die zündleiste ausgetauscht (gebraucht) leider ist…
My brother had two: a Sandero gasoline and a Duster Diesel.
Both were driven a lot and had a motor damage at over 250,000 km, which was too expensive to repair. Otherwise there was never a big break, on both cars.
Sure, there are also cars that hold over 300,000 km, but hardly for the price.
Both Dacia, by the way, were still torn out of his hands when he wanted to sell them. This did not last a minute at the Duster, for example, after he had hired the Ebay classifieds for still 2,500 euros, his phone went hot and the car was sold. And Sandero wanted to keep the workshop where he was dragged to the engine damage. They are therefore in demand and are also sold again – even with motor damage.
As a new car, I would buy a Dacia at any time. The price-performance ratio is unbeatable and driving and heating does the same.
You can’t expect long-running qualities. In order to really benefit from the favorable mobility, these cars should be removed before they are renewed, by means of new parts. The low kilometer level indicates a lot of short-haul traffic.
If it is to be favorable and reliable, consider an old Toyota (e.g. Corolla series). It can also be 200’000 km and 20 years old, it still has many kilometers ahead. And they’re quite cheap too. For the used, this is the car with the best price-performance ratio.
Beautiful festive days!
In the true sense, such a Dacia is not, but even in comparison with a new car, every fifteen-year-old VW golf or Opel-Astra offers you the better and more modern counter value from a reputable first seat and with a complete check booklet – the Dacia is also only “cheap” in its simplest cheap version, but also with any special equipment that has already been the basic model of a golf or Opel-Astra. It’s only missing from Dacia that they have a basic model with only four courses in the program – but who knows, maybe there’s this next to the price list also when you ask.
A Dacia Sandero or a Logan (if still in 2013) is a cheap car that builds on old Renault technology and moves on the stand. He drives, he brakes, he steers, he heats, he ventilates, the radio plays music – it was in the matter. Without claim to which the Opel or VW’s used car warranty is too luscious, it will be clear that everyone else is not. As I said: Technically, these cars are falling behind the standard and Renault has never been really premium or high-quality, you can see from isolated performances such as the Biturbo saffron optimised by Irmscher … but basically that was just a cardboard cover car with poor processing and dubious reliability. Whether Renault is recommended was always such a question of faith – I would never buy a Renault because I always have a bad feeling. If Franzose, then at best citrus or possibly a peugeot, it is necessary to take care of it.
Otherwise, a Dacia is needed much too expensive or moves inexpensively in so unattractive regions that it is the better option to buy the new one. But this is also bullshit – who knows other cars, and even if it is “only” Opel, Peugeot or Fiat, will be disappointed. Qualitatively, the first HU after three years often already has shortcomings that do not always indicate lack of care and lack of maintenance. The quality is simply modest: Renault has never been really good and Dacia even underlines this comparatively low standard.
In addition, Dacia still stands purely subjectively in many places for an undefined, stubborn East Block-Communism brand and de facto for an arm-people car just in the hierarchy above the Russian brand Lada. I’m really not a type that needs status symbols, I’m driving a car with a residual value of perhaps 1500 euros and at 273,000 kilometers – but a Dacia is already pushing a certain burden. You just have to.
In truth and in fact, every “western” compact or Japanese and Korean was already better 15 to 20 years ago – and if I want to buy a car without a technical climate, a hand-picked golf 3 is still better in every respect and superior to the Dacia with regard to comfort, processing and even image. Before I buy a 2013 Dacia, for example, some golf 3 would prefer to have more of it.
A Dacia is NEW so cheap that it is worth buying the still needed.
Year 2013 this is today 8 years old, for such a part I would still pay MAXIMAL 1500 Euro.
But you have to have dsa expensive reperatures threatened, after 8 years a car begins to break slowly. Also small things like new tires plus brake pads and oil change and other qualities etc there you are happy to be with 1500 euros.
What a question… Even a S class Daimler is after the 1st Drive a used car. Is he nix more?
The boxes are now reduced to the most necessary. But what isn’t there can’t scare or cause any disturbance.
An almost 11-year-old Dacia can’t baptize. There are three-year-olds who are not HU.
Of course, a Dacia fan will never admit he bought wrong.
Well, in TÜV reports, they never cut well, not the younger specimens.
Ultimately comes to the price, the model and your requirements
Will travel a lot with the car
About a Dacia Sandero
look here: purchase/used-car infos/ details/234/dacia-sandero-ab-2013/
No, I’d be very careful with the things that don’t last long and then break. I would not build on the big-track guarantee promises, after which refuse the guarantee performance, it has long since been so common to make sacrifices. if the card is cheap to have, maybe, then you can throw them when the broken still into the scrap press without too big losses. I would not spend much more than 1800€, otherwise a toyota or vw golf from the 90s would be the better quality.
What now? I think for you only a Benz comes into question, the best or nothing… 😉👍
Dacia would never buy used
No, not first. I made mistakes, I’m learning from it now.
Please, not too strong sayings, it’s already heavy as much bad luck I just have
This is 100% Renault technology. So if the price fits, then yes.
Not the worst choice. Depends on the requirements. Bad cars aren’t.
New with warranty for the first years certainly, but with nem used I would be extremely careful
Not even if s was a new car.
Yes, but unbeatable
at a reasonable price, perhaps in the purchase, but not in the process
Is there better alternatives with which mat has fun and is not always in the workshop.
Then you don’t know Lada yet.
One with which to get frust-free from a-b… but no with Dacia Nogo
Then they expected a perfect, comfortable car. Of course they don’t get both.
Dacia drivers I know hate all their vehicle
Bubi, I know several who drive Dacia. Both Logan and Duster. Both quite easily. If what is, then it costs very little in relation to other cars. In any case, my second car is much more prone – and still favorable.
Make eyes on boy
Every car has problems. Otherwise there would be no workshops. It’s technique like in all other cars, too. Processing is much worse – but it has nothing to do with the function.
The workshop statistics say something else.
Scratching is also free of charge 🙂
The reputation is far worse than the reasonably reliable Renault technique.