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10 months ago

Both are equally harmful to young people. Especially regular consumption. Only from approx. 25 years, with the end of puberty, this is relative to cannabis.

In young people, cannabis intervenes in brain ripening. In puberty, the brain is still changing.

I quote: Your cerebral cortex was thinner than the comparison group. The changes occurred in a particularly important area of the prefrontal cortex. There are many docking points for cannabis ingredients. This brain region helps us to control impulses, solve problems and plan actions….

However, it is known from other studies that, for example, in young people with a tendency to psychosis, occasional ciffing can trigger psychological crises.

This is where I left it.

On the subject of alcohol: But noise drinking is poison for the brain and can sustainably affect the development of the gray cells. In contrast to earlier assumptions,
Brain development not completed in childhood, but continues until about 25 years of age….

In childhood, the training of
gray substance in the foreground. This is the extreme cortex. The youth age is a new phase of reconstruction. Interconnections between the brain areas are constructed and refined. An important process of this maturation phase is the myelinization of the nerve fibers. The so-called myelin secretion forms a kind of insulation layer which ensures trouble-free transmission of electrical nerve pulses. Since the myelin divorce is white, this area of the brain becomes also as
white substance denotes. Frequent drowning can affect the development of the white substance… Even if the consequences become visible only later, problems in memory are very soon.

I did this here: themes/how-alcohol-das-gehirn-junger-menscher-schaedigt/

10 months ago

It doesn’t take much. Alcohol damages the body in the long run, while cannabis oversized only makes the pear stupid.

Advantage of the alcohol.The body makes it relatively fast and very reliable.

When a It doesn’t make much difference. You shouldn’t get used to both. Where – with beer you can at least delete the thirst. And to a grill steak, a beer tastes much better than a joint.

Alcoholic beverages have the advantage that they can also be enjoyed as a consumer without noise.

10 months ago

Alcohol hurts more physically, cannabis can cause more psychological damage.

In the best case, you should leave both or at least consume responsibly and with respect.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jana174923

Well, if you’re thinking about what’s so mixed with a joint… there’s a lot of dirt.

10 months ago

Alcohol also damages the body in small amounts. But quickly recovers if you do not drink too often and too much. Cannabis does not harm the body. But irreversibly intervenes in the brain development of a brain that is not yet fully grown. So if you’re 25+. Alcohol is definitely more harmful. Especially with more frequent and stronger consumption. Too much should be left. It’s like with ALL others too. Custom consumption! And don’t overdo it

10 months ago
Reply to  Crush4r

Kiffen makes passive and powerless. You don’t notice it for yourself, but the brain is also changed in adults.

10 months ago
Reply to  Mauritan

However, in studies it was also shown that the adult brain gradually regains the usual performance after abstinence. So it’s reversible. But in order to avoid it completely one should not consume daily and no quantities. The negative effects are then a multiple lower one.

10 months ago

I didn’t mean that you’d be brazed (which in the long term is certainly also), but that you’re less mentally ambitious. It’s hard to measure how much Bock you have.

And I know someone who cried a time almost every day. I have the impression she forgot a lot. We know each other forever and much no longer knows them. Of course, it’s hard to say what it really comes from that their memories are reduced.

10 months ago

Wrong question. Better would be:

“How can I prevent getting a drink through alcohol or other DROGEN with 18 years ago?”

Every noise is SCHÄDLICH, and until now it has not been fully clarified what effects are coming from adolescents in distant times. There are first signs of cannabis attacking the bones for a long time. Say you can get 30 osteoporosis. And YOU KNOW THE LEBEN SO DIRECTIVE! Every 2-3 months visits to the specialist, from 35 then wheelchair. Yes, there the DROGENKONSUM has really GELOHNT!!! Make it easier, get an old thermometer and swallow the mercury. Then you have everything much faster!!

10 months ago

Anyone who has an innate tendency to psychosis can already slip into the life-long psychosis through a unique cannabis rush, and this is then no longer curable. With alcohol you have to be heavy drunk before the white mice and dancing pink elephants appear. Healthy is none of both, so it is best to leave your fingers from all drugs.

However, cannabis smoking also has all the damage to the airways such as tobacco, in some cases even more intensively because the pollution of tar and other stuff is stronger.

10 months ago

On average, alcohol is more dangerous. On long-term but cannabis

10 months ago
Reply to  Fefi91011484

For adults. Too much ground the brain power decreases and you become a carrier. But if you let it be, the full brain power comes back with time. What dies from alcohol also remains dead

10 months ago
Reply to  Crush4r

We talk about a drug and not normal cigarettes

10 months ago

Even normal cigarettes are a drug. But this is about cannabis!

10 months ago

Regular noise is what becomes harmful, just as daily medications.

10 months ago

No. Alcohol is more harmful. It’s both to be guessed.

10 months ago

Yes, a lasting psychosis can trigger and a developmental disorder of your brain (cannabis can reduce your IQ for life by 10%). In alcohol, brain cells also die, but you still have a sufficient reserve.