Ist ein BMI von 39,2 schlimm?

Ich Habe gerade mal meinen BMI errechnet, ist 39.2 schlimm? Also dass das Übergewicht ist weiß ich aber ab welchen Wert wird das gefährlich? Bin übrigens 14

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2 years ago

Yes it is, obesity 2-3 is very dangerous

2 years ago

There is no BMI value from which you can speak of “dangerous”. It is necessary to include further parameters such as blood values, blood pressure, rest pulse, ECG, ultrasound, possibly. To identify problems.

Of course, overweight is always a risk factor so not really optimal – weight reduction always has a positive effect on health!

2 years ago

This is no longer an overweight, that is obesity – in good German: obesity.

The older you become, the greater the health impairments you have to expect. In young years, you might get quite well, but in the long run it is quite unhealthy.

2 years ago

With 14 to have a BMI of 39.2 is already bad. If there is no medical cause, I would say that your parents did not comply with their care obligation. This is definitely harmful to your body and there is danger to your health.

2 years ago

I think it’s quite bad to have such a high BMI at your age. You should do something urgent.

First point of contact would be your pediatrician. Without your help and effort, it is not possible.

Check the BMI Perzentil curve on the following website or a similar time. With your BMI, you’re far beyond the most common peers.

2 years ago

In adults, a BMI of 30 is considered problematic.

A BMI of almost 40 with 14: years old is here an alarm level red.

There is an acute need for action.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kev09305

Yes, unfortunately. Your heart deposits fat and with great stress on your heart this can end very badly.

2 years ago

That’s not a good sign when you get used to it. It would be very cool if you could cheer you up, as the person above said, to walk out and eat less, especially less fast food. Do you want to change something in your life?

2 years ago

You get heartaches quickly because you’ve been moving too little for too long.

You have to start slowly. It’s best to go with a walk.

Every day at least 5000 steps.

With time you can increase the intensity.

2 years ago

Yes, I can understand. Are you worried or are you just accepting it?

2 years ago

In order to be able to evaluate the weight in children, so-called BMI percensor curves must be used. It’s your home or pediatrician.

A calculated BMI of 39 should definitely look at a doctor.

In general, however, one cannot say “from value X it is dangerous”, but with its overweight one increases the risk of certain diseases.

2 years ago


either you’re a colonel or you’re a colonel obesity!

Congratulations with 39.2 obesity degree 3 just missed!

After my return, you should weigh at least 110kg. If you are smaller than 1,70 more than 14. You should have a BMI between 19 and 21 years old

Over 100 is too much. Take 40Kg off!

  • A personal nutrition consultancy
  • a gym (What you also visit)

Dangerous: Not for you today. From 30 onwards, some strange phenomena are going on and you’re great over 50 or more. 60 is unlikely.

(Most of my colleagues in the “high” weight class did not retire.)

At 14 you might be 10 years in growth. That would help you with weight loss unlikely. … I would say 2 hours of sports and FdH every day! … a trainer, etc., can make some changeable. Not that you take the same muscles every day. (1 day swimming pool/week is not bad …)


2 years ago
Reply to  Kev09305


fdh = Friss the half … Have extra gegooglet, Google knows this abbreviation!

2h ~ I cannot create a fitness program! You have to deal with those you think are responsible. Otherwise, this is one thing of years! (This can not be resolved in months!) …

(These are only flat-rate advice! This is not a sound analysis!)

You can let them do, too! (Costet “just” money.) Oxygen consumption can be measured at load and without load then you can calculate your basic calorie consumption and adjust your diet …


2 years ago

Unfortunately, yes. A BMI of almost 40 is no longer an overweight, but high-grade obesity.

2 years ago

Overweight – or Obesity is bad. Not from appearance, but for your health.

It’s unhealthy. This is a fact.

2 years ago

Yeah, you should. As an adult one has in the area of obesity degree 2, at the border to degree 3 according to BMI. It’s all the more critical in children!

And 108 kilos to 1,66! Jesus! So if you haven’t been doing strength training for years and your weight comes from all the muscles (which I strongly doubt with 14), you should definitely do something about it. But urgently!

2 years ago

From 35 BMI, Adipositas degree 2 begins.

2 years ago

Yes, it’s even extremely bad because you probably keep going.

You’re in sick weight.

Maybe the side effects aren’t as bad as you’re so young.

I can’t believe it. Presumably, your parents are also strongly adipous.

Please do something, this is really dangerous.

2 years ago

Your joints are overloaded if you end up so much in your wheelchair.


2 years ago

You are at the border of obesity degree 2 to degree 3. Medical treatment is urgently required.

2 years ago

You’re not even overweight anymore.

108kg, 166cm as 14 year old is already dangerous.

2 years ago

Probably. I got 28 and I’m kind of fat!

2 years ago

Talk to your pediatrician who knows you best and your medical records, your blood values etc.

2 years ago
