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2 years ago

Breakfast provides the basis for the day.

If you have an apple, it’s okay. But if you feel a feeling of hunger afterwards, it was too little!

At the end you decide yourself!

2 years ago

This is a very inaccurate question and always comes to the person and situation.

Basically, an apple is a bit healthy and a good start to the day.

2 years ago
Reply to  germanils

Yeah, well, someone can’t take an apple, etc…

2 years ago

Depends on what else you eat. If you are not the big breakfaster and later you have more hunger and eat normally for lunch and evening, or maybe in between what can be snacking an apple as breakfast. But if you eat little and low calorie at lunch and in the evening, this is a concern.

2 years ago

Yes why not give fast energy through fruit sugar. Some people just don’t like anything in the morning. It is also healthy and saturated.

Some eat morning cakes or white rolls etc, then releases hot hungry, unhealthy fats and the KH are immediately gone. Some will get tired

You also have breakfast and lunch breaks. Like you can’t afford anything. Bullshit. The body gets used to it just like breakfast. The difference would be those who get a power drop and bad mood if they can’t eat breakfast and then eat unhealthy as the memory is uninhabited empty and the body craved 🙂 Has all 2 pages

2 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

With white bread you get tired and lose KH? Can you explain this to me?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaetzchen2004

These KH are immediately burned, quickly degraded. Blood sugar is then quickly up and down again. Some people get tired and need new fuel. That’s where the hostage goes. In sports, the first ones are tired/slow. Last tested, Weissbrot vs Vollkornbrot 🙂

2 years ago

If you eat reasonably, an apple is naturally ok.

Of course, because of the low nutritional value and numerous lack of vitamins and fatty acids per se, an apple is not a balanced meal – but it does not have to be because you can compensate later.

No breakfast is also an option, an apple comes very close.

2 years ago

Yes, why not – if you get the day on your calories?!

You might get a weakened performance – even brainwise if you need to work.

2 years ago

An apple for breakfast is already okay if the apple is supposed to be the whole breakfast, that’s a little bit.

An apple alone doesn’t count as a snack as a whole.

2 years ago
Reply to  TaaTaa55

that depends on it. there are also people who do not eat breakfast, simply because not everyone needs an breakfast! there everyone is different and if he/she reaches a bowl in the morning, that is also in the case a whole meal

2 years ago
Reply to  oerdi

That’s why I wrote extra “counts with me as a snack.”

By the way, I also belong to those who rarely eat breakfast in the morning.

2 years ago

Yeah, sure. Plus a cereal and tea or coffee and a yogurt.

2 years ago

In principle, you should not eat too much fruit on the day. I think so 2 apples a day are completely fine, but everything else about fructose is also not great. In the morning, carbohydrates that give you energy for start to day are very good.

2 years ago

No. That would be too little for me.

2 years ago

An apple, with oatmeal, milk and nuts is quite the best you can give in the morning in Germany.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gazprom228

Fresh farmers milk yes – I would not recommend the supermarket – and what nuts? The cheap sugared in a plastic packaging?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaetzchen2004

The best are pistachios, followed by almonds <-- only with milk!

Regional would be the walnuts or a mix with marons and hazelnuts, but all of them are pollutant in daily quantities.

2 years ago

Mango would be better than apple…

Apple is price reading but unbeatable, tasty, regional…

2 years ago

If I have to read, I have to do other things first.

2 years ago

For what reasons?

2 years ago

Because it prevents cardiovascular diseases.

2 years ago

Why should I consume nuts that have much too many calories on too little volume 🙂 I prefer to grab the egg / chicken breast.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Directly in the morning I would not consume fruits rather than fats / proteins.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaetzchen2004


2 years ago

For breakfast an apple is ok, as breakfast too little.

2 years ago

You can eat what you want. What’s wrong with that?

2 years ago

There’s nothing better.