Ist Döner gesunder als MacDonals?
Stimmt es, das Döner durchaus viel estasischer und gesünder als Mec Danolds ist? Weil wenn man bedenkt ist ja McDonalds echt schwabblig/fettig
Person 1: Größe: 1,54m Gewicht: 92,4kg Körperfettanteil: 46,6% Brüste: 126cm Oberschenkel: 87cm Bauch: 122cm Hüfte: 136cm Taille: 87cm Person 2: Größe: 159cm Gewicht: 58kg Körperfettanteil: 25% Brüste: 87cm Oberschenkel: 57cm Bauch: 79cm Hüfte: 92cm Taille: 70cm
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Hallo, ich weiß, eine seltsame Frage, aber wenn ihr persönlich eine Pizza kauft, wartet ihr dann an Ort und Stelle (im Laden)? Das dauert doch ein bischen, bis die fertig ist. Habe zwar schon Pommes und so beim Imbiss geholt, aber noch keine Pizza im Pizzaladen. Komischerweise mache ich mir da gerade Gedanken zu, ob…
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Ich esse sehr viele ballaststoffe wie vollkorn nudel leinsamen chiasamen amaranth gepufft und dazu hänchen magerquark blaubeeren erdbeeren gurke tomate protein riegel isoclear kacke aber so weniger weshalb
The nutritional value is actually a little better, because of the salad. But nutritionally there is almost no difference.
People simply forget that there is much more to the amount and their own metabolism. In different stages of life, the body needs different things. And in different seasons, the body needs different things. Also factors that are much more important: are you driving sports? More stamina or muscle building? etc.
Let’s take a burger:
Hamburger Royal TS: Bun Royal, Beef Patty, Sandwich sauce, Tomato slice, Salad, Onion fresh, Cheddar cheese preparation, Salt and pepper mixture
In the sandwich sauce is in:
water, rapeseed oil, glucose fructose syrup, vinegar, modified maize starch, egg yolk, salt, sugar, thickener (xanthan), spices (including mustard), preservative (potassium sorbate).
When you look at the ingredients, the following things are problematic in large quantities:
modified maize starch
Potassium sorbate
Eventuel are also still unprecedented in the Cheddar cheese preparation. You can configure the cheese.
DAS, which is really difficult in quantity and content: the Bun Royal
Wheat flour, water, sugar, yeast, sesame seeds, vegetable oil, salt, emulsifiers: E471, E472e and E481.
The wheat and the emulsifiers should be mentioned here.
At least in a döner is more salad in it than on such a nem burger.
So better?
That depends on what you eat at McDonalds.
If you eat only one hamburger (259kcal), then this is significantly less than a döner. However, if you eat a menu consisting of BigMac (545kcal), large Pommes (463kcal), Mayo (141kcal) and a Cola (200kcal), then this is significantly more than a Döner has.
Of course, it is also relevant for the Döner to see how much salad is in the Döner and what sauce is used in what amount.
The meat and vegetables are definitely more high-quality than with mecces, especially the salad is usually bought locally and therefore has many healthy vitamins. Even with a lot of fat sauce, it is probably much less unhealthy (and carcinogenic) than McDoof…
in any case, a diner is much healthier only the amount is very large.
Not for nothing my father says to MacDonalds the chemist with the golden M.
Think about leaving the sauces. Eat Döner only with meat and onions and am always fed hours, at mc Donalds maybe an hour think that means something
Just in the sauces, the most important things are in it when they’re done…
But then stop being so healthy
That’s why I said when you leave the sauces, the döner is definitely healthier, otherwise not. At McDonalds I don’t want to know what’s in bread and meat, the burger looks fresh after 2 weeks and doesn’t mold.
Not much more is also not in McDonald’s sandwich sauce…
So at our dönerläden there are cheese sauces, crinkled sauces, cocktail sauces that consist of Mayo and ketchup etc. Well the Zaziki is perhaps still healthy but everything else that is offered at sauces is not.
When the dressing is made decent, there are unsaturated fatty acids, onions, egg, tomatoes, mustard and spices such as pepper salt and honey. I don’t know what’s supposed to be unhealthy except maybe in large quantities…
Well, there’s at least more vegetables in there and it’s not as chemically processed as McDonalds.
depending on the source and preparation. Döner in Turkey is okay. In Western Europe this is often some meat mix and sometimes gamm meat. In Switzerland, the Döner is often quite good, for example in France.
Depends on the overall quality
Can also be turned around
Also by loading
Something better, but not healthy
Both are bad
Best regards, Jan
Yeah, sure.
Often the fladen bread is even freshly baked.
Yes clear hä at mcs the meat does not even really consist of meat and on the döner is much more salad
Yeah, about how a snicker is healthier than a Mars because there are a few peanuts in there.
They can reach the hand – both are almost food without high quality standards
I think the döner is less unhealthy than other fast food. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄