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Döner became in Berlin-Kreuzberg. invented by a whistling Turk, called Kadir Nurman.
At least run ATDiD.
In which he simply the Greek Gyros x TR Kebap to the
German-Turkish quick impressions adapted.
One of the most creative inventions of the inhabitants of West Berlin.
Order an Iskender Döner (Efendi) if you want to learn the original.
But best I find the Dönerbecher with Fritten and so.
The McD and B.King look old.
Döner with everything.
Annex: of this%20compilation%20funds%20,out%20ofthe%20C3%BCrkianic%20Bursa.
Absolutely not that you can googlen but I understand if Germans consider it as a German court so I would never now if a German in my presence says Döner is German what to say zb ayran is Russian but for me it always remains Turkish
No matter where it was, like, for the first time or anything else…
… The Döner is a Turkish food for me.
Everyone who says no
of course it is not a German court
Döner has Turkish snacks or Turkish restaurants. Döner is Turkish and according to wikipedia “synthetic grilled meat”
but someone who is turning it to grill
healthy usually not
I often go and like to eat Turkish, taste delicious and is also healthy
you have been looking at
no one, döner says it
Yes, invented in Berlin
Döner has Turkish snacks or Turkish restaurants. Döner is Turkish and according to wikipedia “synthetic grilled meat”
It’s still a German invention in which stores it is sold…