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Netflix and Amazon have more users. Disney is still in place 3.
Basically, all services are the same, but sometimes you find something better here.
And everyone can always think of something new. Netflix documentation, new series, Dito Amazon for instance the channels for sports.
And today? Disney Plus has robbed Netflix and with the sharing ban that will come in March, Netflix will be consecrated to death. Amen.
Netflix has a lot more accounts, but if you’ve seen everything you’re interested in, you’ll eat stupid, because it’s always a new one. In addition, the subscription price is constantly increasing, although only a little changes in the volume of the media library.
Disney+ offers some very new accounts, but just a rather spicy selection if you don’t just want to see children’s stuff like that.
Since I can watch movies and series that I like well, I would still prefer Netflix if I had to choose.
But I can see that differently in a year.
I personally have been using very much more often disne+ than Netflix lately (6 months). However, this is also related to what I have already looked at. In my opinion, it is currently balanced
Yes, Disney Plus is now numbered according to users, the streaming platform that is most used worldwide. For the future I see black for Netflix.