Ist dieses Schild echt?

Und wenn ja ist es ernst gemeint

Das soll wohl an einem sehr langsamen Bummelzug gehangen haben. Und sollte die Fahrgäste eben darauf hinweisen dass man während der Fahrt nicht die Tür oder das Fenster öffnen darf um Blumen zu pflücken

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4 years ago

The shield should have been attached to the heathslide between Berlin and Groß Schönebeck in Basdorf.

The first train was on 20. May 1901 and even then the loving name “Heidekrautbahn” was coined. Because it was quite cozy. Here also the phrase “Blumen picks during the journey forbidden” should originate.

4 years ago

Can I imagine that this is the Bimmelbahn in nem Park or botanical garden or so

4 years ago

Such a shield may have existed, but the shield is not old. It contains three typographic errors:

fl and ck are in fracture ligatures, see figure. In addition, there must be no space in front of the exclamation sign.

At the time when railroads were so slow that one could have picked flowers, one would not have committed these mistakes.

4 years ago

I’ve never heard anything like that

4 years ago

That’s a joke.