Ist dieses Outfit für die Schule etc. angemessen?

Hallo, ich (w/14) habe bereits letztens die Frage gestellt ob ein solches Outfit in meinem Alter für die Schule angebracht wäre:

Die meisten von euch meinten nein, was ich auch absolut nachvollziehen kann. Nur überlege ich halt weil mir Lederklamotten dermaßen gut gefallen was für ein 100% leder Outfit (hätte gerne eins) ich tragen könnte, damit es nicht unangebracht aussieht.

Ich habe überlegt:

Das was auf dem Foto zu sehen ist, sprich so ein Rock, ein Oberteil (nicht aus leder), dazu noch eine Lederjacke und Lederstiefel. Würde es so gerne sowohl in der Freizeit, als auch zur Schule etc. tragen. Meine Mum meint sowas würde deutlich besser aussehen als das Outfit auf dem oberen Foto. Meint ihr ich könnte mich mit 14 so (vor allem zur Schule) kleiden?

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3 months ago



My entire text only refers to Figure 2 or 2nd picture!

The brown, knee-length leather skirt is very chic and noble!

For example, for a fine celebration or party, for a chic going out, for example to the restaurant, for a fine city stroll, for the office (Job) or for the school or Uni!

Perfect for great, temperate/mildes or great, warm or great, (very) warm weather!

For example, in black, white, cream colors, beige, sand colors, skin colors, natural or blue jeans-tones…etc.!

Depending on this, e.g. shirt, blouse, pulli or jeans shirt or a blouse-pulli combination (such as a sweater with V-neck or round neck-neck) can be worn!

For example, cardigan, cardigan or blazer or a jacket such as jeans jacket, leather jacket, fabric jacket, chic anorak, demi-etc. or a longer/long jacket such as, for example, depending on temperature trench coat, wool coat, fabric coat, cashmere coat…etc.!

Then the brown leather skirt in knee length or Midi length!

To the leather skirt combine a chic, color matching pantyhose depending on the e.g. fine tights, wool tights, thermo tights, blunt tights…etc.!

Shoe according to the occasion, total outfit, local occasion…etc.: Pumps, ballerinas, boots or boots (e.g. leather boots…etc.), chic laces or possibly also chic sports sneakers!

Finish the different outfits with (something) matching jewelry and refine such as earrings/ear clips or creoles and/or necklace or necklace Bracelet or bracelet set!

Chic, matching bag (depending on the business bag, school bag, handbag, shopper…etc.) and as required a qualitative, chic, matching sunglasses!


Very important:

Color always everything well suited to each other/with each other, or, in color all well harmonizing!

I hope I could also help you how to combine the chic, fine leather skirt and wear (depending on the ) with great, temperate/mildem or great, warm or great, (very) warm weather!



3 months ago

Yeah, you can wear that. It’s elegant. Are you wearing high heels?

3 months ago
Reply to  Hannes4566

She’s 14

3 months ago

Ah okay, you can just wear sneakers or ballerinas.

3 months ago

Outfit 1 is not good because of the leather.The skirt length on picture 2 is cruel not much too long.

3 months ago

I’m shorter than on picture 2.

3 months ago

Find the skirt is very beautiful, and if you are big, you can wear it well! But if you’re small and that goes almost to the ground, it’s not so beautiful…

3 months ago

First of all, no way. The second joa, you can do. Depending on what to do. Or a chic leather pants.

3 months ago

Yes think so

3 months ago

The second with the long skirt goes like that, but the first definitely no.

3 months ago

Hey picture two

3 months ago

I can only say no to this as a man, for your age and school absolutely inappropriate. Do not misunderstand, to go out very chic….but has nothing to look at at work/school. As a crossdresser, I am very open-minded to such clothes, but just to the right reason

3 months ago

Here it has been said several times that the outfit is not suitable for the school, but since you obviously do not accept it, I give you the advice: just put it on and do not ask. You want to dress like that and go to school. Then do it.

Honestly: even if I find both outfits very chic and elegant, but I would never come up with the idea of going so dressed to school, not at all at 14 years. Also in an interview, in the work, in the gym or to wander, I wouldn’t wear it. To go out, for a shopping city stroll, appointment to dinner, cafe with a girlfriend….etc. it would be suitable.

3 months ago

The second rather, the first would be for me to overdressed

3 months ago

Leather is generally not appropriate for 14. Too sexy. Supportederjacket if you want.

3 months ago

leder in general

3 months ago

The upper is more suitable for a motto or fetish party. The second would be okey for school.

3 months ago

Not for school, but everyone is running in jogging pants, jeans or baggy pants

3 months ago

You don’t have to do that, but the first thing I find is too refreshed and sexy for the school, that’s more like when you go out in the evening. The second went for school.

3 months ago

Looks good – but doesn’t fit the school.

I would still wear barfussHigh Heels to show the bile skin and blacken the toes.

Darkness is now a bit cold in winter…

3 months ago

No, you go to school or where you don’t look like school

3 months ago

I’m sure it looks great.

3 months ago

Both completely inappropriate and fortunately forbidden at school with us. We wear sweet school uniform

2 months ago

The first is mega sexy wow horn read the here talk carry it to school if you feel comfortable

3 months ago

I strongly advise you. You shouldn’t go around like that at the age of 14.

2 months ago
Reply to  Mandy0217

There’s so sexyyyy

3 months ago

If you want to be stamped as a floppy…

3 months ago

Do you want to go to school or go to the baby bar?

3 months ago

Dress up so much better when you go on the line… is more fitting.

3 months ago

…school, you go to school and not to a BDSM-Fashion party.