Ist dieses Mäppchen etwas wert?
Ich dachte ich frage zuerst, da ich länger nicht mehr in der Schule bin und mit der Digitalisierung nicht mehr weiß, was Schüler heutzutage brauchen.
Inhalt: Mäppchen von Dakine, gebraucht. Lamy Füller, Faber Castell Füller (beide gebraucht), Kugelschreiber (neu), Faber Castell Radiergummi (originalverpackt, neu), 33 Buntstifte, 29 davon von Lyra, teilweise neu, Geodreieck (neu). Hatte da so an 3-4€ gedacht. Meint ihr es macht Sinn, das Mäppchen zu inserieren?
For 5,-€ this should easily find a new owner if the crayons are not stubborn.
Only a new eraser rubber reaches 2,- + Geodteeicke and filler you don’t get “easy”.
Didn’t stop for 10 minutes after inserate exactly what happened… Thank you.
I always give away such things from my children at the DRK – they are totally happy about it and pass on to children from families who do not have the financial possibilities. (at least with us. I don’t know if it’s all like that.
I personally wouldn’t buy it on Ebay, for example. But there are always such donations for children in developing countries. Fully equipped coats are required. In your place, I’d rather donate it, you’ll get nix for it, but I think Germany is too good, because no one buys a used male.
If you want to sell it, you can advertise it, but don’t make too much hope. Alternatively, you could try it on a flea market. But I don’t think anyone’s buying that little girl.
Donation action sounds super
Thanks for the first valid answer:)
Of course, this is needed in such a backward country as Germany. If the schools still use slides from the GDR and overhead projectors are the sad standard. Unfortunately, such things are not much value, it makes much more sense to donate or give you things.
LG Animelove007
Hardly one would buy a used feather bag with content. If you want to get rid of them, give them away or take them away. Or give it to relief organisations
Why if things are well preserved and are sold under value?
It is clear that I want to “release” them. And disposing of well-preserved things in this value would be waste. I think that’s better.
Although they are strongly under value, most of them prefer to buy cheap stuff from Tedi. There will also be those who would buy it, but they are the minority
on the flee market you can sell something great. for the mäppchen 3 – 4 euro including content and for the fillers also 3 euro per piece.
donate – rather not so good.
if I donate something, I donate NEW. is iin my eyes somewhere a question of respect.
Thank you
Donations often came from the people here as an answer, that I didn’t have on the screen at first.
I agree with the opinion of @Chrisi614. Whether 4 euros more or less, it doesn’t matter. But the memory remains.
It’s a pity you don’t answer my question.
You can expect me to think about what I’m keeping and what I’m not! In this case, I had two coats. I’ll keep one with some pieces of memory. I would like to give this because it’s just too much for my capacities. Memories are good, but I also have to make room for my university things logistically.
So, do you think it’s worth something?
It’s worth a memory, but for sale it’s truly worth nothing.
I would keep it as a reminder
I had two coats. I’ll keep one with some memories! I would like to give this because it’s just too much for my capacities. Memories are good, but I also have to make room for my university things logistically.
So, do you think it’s worth something?
Give it to me. Take it to a refugee accommodation, give it to a child where you know it is very close to the money or give it to the next kindergarten.
Because it’s not worth it or because it’s morally better?
Because no one buys anything like that, but someone is happy about it.
Dispose or dispose!
Nothing more worth today?
Yeah, it’s been over for two years. There is no revolution in 2 years
You like badges, right?
At your school time – it’s over!
Wow, do you mean digitization?
The Lyra pens, for example, are mostly new and cost approx. So at my school I would have been happy to get this for a few euros.
Sure, 5 € VB goes.