Ist dieses Kabel gut?
Moin, habe mir ein usb a auf usb c Ladekabel für mein iPhone 16 pro günstig bei Amazon zugelegt. Wollte gerne wissen ob das mfi zertifiziert ist und gut für mein neues Handy ist.
Moin, habe mir ein usb a auf usb c Ladekabel für mein iPhone 16 pro günstig bei Amazon zugelegt. Wollte gerne wissen ob das mfi zertifiziert ist und gut für mein neues Handy ist.
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Can’t imagine the usb-a to usb-c brings the best charging power. It’s not a good thing for a cheap cable.
but try it first.
It’s all about charging the phone well or getting no damage.
The iPhone 16 per charge with a maximum of 25 watts.
This really creates every cheap cable.
Thanks for the information.
I also use my charging cable for other things and was not aware of the low charging power at iPhone.
If you have USB A on one side, then it will be relatively slow to load because you don’t have much power through A.
If you really want to make use of it, buy a charger with USB C output.
I think you should ask that before you buy it, not if you already have it.
If it were certified for iPhones, it would probably be there.
But I think I’m unnecessary with a USB Type C cable.
So rather disorder or keep?
I don’t know if the MFI is certified, read in the description, and that’s what you check out before ordering and not afterwards