Ist dieses Auto in Ordnung als Anfängerauto?

hii, ich möchte mir gerne einen VW Polo als Anfängerauto anschaffen und bin endlich auf eins gestoßen, was mir im Grunde sehr gut gefällt. Nur bin ich nicht der größte Profi und möchte euch um euere Meinung bitten, ob das Auto seriös/ in Ordnung ist (von den gegebenen Infos her)



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2 years ago

The lamps always start when the ignition is switched on and exit after a paaeary seconds. The time difference is only because he did the photo again.

But the car is dry. The “Leather” on the cheeks is a detested cheap substance from VW. Then the foam can also be broken under it. That means you can still feel the seat frame.

The control chains from the years of manufacture are happy to make problems due to imposition. The interior suffers from cheap soft lacquer that quickly affects and makes the buttons sticky. Such a car should not cost 3800 anymore. If it must be a polo, you should keep looking. It’s like sand by the sea.

Alternatives would be

Suzuki Swift

Toyota Yaris

Mitsubishi Space Star

Opel Corsa

Nissan Micra

Peugeot 208

There you get for the 5200€ cars required there with much more equipment

2 years ago

Smoker car + border triggers let the value already sink below 5000 € is also available with Gratine in any case.

If the maintenance store is not properly known, the value is already decreasing.

Would begin to negotiate with 4000 €

2 years ago

I don’t think it’s normal with the warning lights. Because at 16:51 we take it he started the car and only a minute later the warning lights came. That means they don’t leave without having to fix something.

2 years ago
Reply to  MineralienJ

The control lights are on because only the ignition is switched on and the engine is out. This is to check if the warning lights work. As soon as the engine is started and the self-test has been completed, the warning lights are emitted. At least a few seconds after the engine start.

Here he probably switched off the engine and then turned on the ignition once more to record the photo.

Who would advertise a car where all control lights are on?

2 years ago
Reply to  MineralienJ

The speed meter is at 0 in the picture, so the engine is out and the control lights must be on

2 years ago

Find the price fair. But I would look at the car on site exactly whether it is really worth its price and there are no hidden shortcomings. If you can, take with you someone who knows cars/used cars and can look at the car on site.

2 years ago

Warning lights are always at the start but go out at the start. What surprises me is picture with warning lights made around 16.52 clock and that without warning lights 16.51 clock is a minute before.

Providers can also not very good German language. Price is also far below average if everything is true and reputable then it is a good car. The best way to take dad or so to the test drive

2 years ago
Reply to  ferrero04

“but what surprises me is the fold that the tüv was made new.”

What bothers you?

2 years ago
Reply to  ferrero04

Unprobably then when starting, warning lights start and then you turn the key further the motor goes on and normally the lights off. So he would have had to start the engine 16.51 and then turn out again to turn the ignition on 16.52. Rather illogical, you make it different.

and tüv is also tüv see here

2 years ago
Reply to  dranskeruegen

On the second picture the motor is switched off!

2 years ago

It must be.

2 years ago

There’s nothing shining…

2 years ago

With 140 tkm, the sewing machine motors of VW are usually quite at the end. I say that from my own experience, I had two polos myself, and that was one of the reasons why I finally removed from VW. The worst were the window lifters, at the end I was able to completely swap a window lifter in less than 20 minutes because the constantly broken

2 years ago

No, suspicion. Leave your fingers.

Buy Toyota Yaris from the era, have no problems

2 years ago
Reply to  ferrero04

The burning lamps, the more favorable price for current contents. I wouldn’t even look. Looks like Ranzkarre with technical problems

2 years ago

Smoker car and a three-cylinder VW.

2 years ago

No, no, no. I’ve only looked wrong through the light mirror

2 years ago

What lamps?

2 years ago

Too much money for the ravaged slurry.

2 years ago
Reply to  ferrero04

Stand in, fire holes in the seat.

2 years ago

Nevertheless, it remains a disqualified runke.

2 years ago

Why buy?, Leasing has much more attractive offers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cloudedworld

Buy Selber is eh besset

2 years ago
Reply to  Cloudedworld

Sorry I mean better

2 years ago
Reply to  Cloudedworld

…until the moment you put the car around somewhere.

2 years ago

There are many leasing offers to involve you very good insurance in the contract. Seat, VW etc

2 years ago

Well, Abitur is different. You seem to have no fixed income, if you were. fresh out of bad

2 years ago

Yes, Vollkasko, which is absolutely necessary for leasing and in the year easy to get in with over 1000€ at a starter.