Ist dieser fiktive Raubsaurier eher schwer oder leicht gebaut?
Er ist 4 Meter lang, 1,75 Meter hoch am Kopf und 200 Kilogramm schwer. Der Körperbau ähnelt dem von Raptoren.
Wenn er schwer gebaut ist, wieviel müsste man dann abziehen, um einen eher leicht gebauten Körper zu erzielen?
rather light as I mean, birdlike.
Utahraptor: ~500 Kg
Velociraptor: ~15 Kg
Velociraptor – Wikipedia
That the Utahraptor was 7 meters long and 500 kilograms was heavy, however, is an outdated lie from German sources. In English you know more of 280 – 300 kilograms.
Utahraptor – Wikipedia
there were also raptors like the gigantoraptor that weighed over a ton.
In addition, all data are estimates and are not really verifiable,
at least I brought you reference models…. 😉
that belongs to the Oviraptors….
The gigantoraptor is called raptor, but does not look like dinosaurs of this group and does not belong to them either.
define hard, you mean muscious that you don’t necessarily know because it comes to a lot, but dinos are lizards and with that most have more muscles than other
have indicated how difficult it will be.
Hard means: penetrated outer, less fast and agile. Musculoser too.
achso addition raptor in itself are more runners and thus agile built
that is now in your measurement as you construct it with the details that is rather little.