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Hello, the bowl will be real, but not by Sèvres. Probably the brand isn’t even from Edmé Samson, it’s too new, almost graphic. This brand at Sèvres with the S would be of 1771, but the brands did not look like that 250 years ago.
There are unfortunately many types of this imitation brand. But maybe the bowl is pretty and you continue to use it or give it away.
Follow the photo.
That’s about what I expected, a punk bowl in Sèvres style. It also fits to the rococo, if it were from Sèvres, which it is definitely not.
Here is a piece of Sèvres from the 18th Century. Look at the picture with the brand.
So again clearly my answer. Your shell is unfortunately not from the Manufacture de Sèvres.
It is and was worked very much porcelain in Sèvres style. Look here: Porcelain Sèvres Style
But the pieces are called honestly. A large part of the pieces offered as Sèvres are not by Sèvres. Among them are pieces with exactly your brand.
Here is an ashtray with your brand, which is about 1980. I don’t know if this is the case, but the appearance of the brand fits in time.
Here is a link that interests you with certainty: Here you can see an object like yours, with an indication of Edmé Samson, but unfortunately you do not show the mark on the floor. But Samson doesn’t match your brand.
Of course, it can be that the original design of your piece is by Sèvres or Samson. The porcelain popists are now working with “Korpus scanners” because copying the form with all the details goes very quickly.
I can’t say anything about value, as well, we don’t know anything about your piece. Unfortunately, there are no comparisons. If it were from Sèvres or Samson, it would look different.
Wow,very the 3rd link, unfortunately, everything is in Italian but a pretty same bowl.I have to look if I get it translated. Thanks very much ðŸ ̃ ð ð ð ð ð ̃
Thank you for the star. :
Thank you.
Here the Italian side with German translation.
that looks like printed and not as painted – old is not…
so presumably after-made and equipped with the “fitting” old stamp
the one shown by you would be from 1771 …. (but definitely painted)
Is this bowl valuable?
I don’t need photos on request, either hire them here voluntarily or just leave it; the value will not increase
If it would work with photos, there are several unfortunately there are always problems
Your shell is a fake. And certainly not valuable.
Hm…and if you don’t just look at pinterest you can even find a S stamp/mark which is real.Sorry congratulations,I saw at you that you have given a lot of commerce but hardly your own questions/things. I ask a question and get a spell…very helpful.Have my mobile phone responded,while a different pic has already been with the shell one is finally in it,so maybe just don’t pretend I’m stupid
And if you were to use the internet full, you would have seen that your coarsely crafted shell doesn’t match the style of the Sèrves company you didn’t even write right. The pieces of this brand are clearly in shape and fine. Quality just.
Sorry, but you’re getting on my nerves. If you have the right idea, in your case of antiques, there should be a little more competence in the answers. I asked a question here, because I have absolutely 0 idea of it, and first there’s something stupid in answer. So I assume you don’t have the knowledge. If I had, I wouldn’t have to ask. So… and CAST
Yeah, and write so hard. Poor cobam.
Uiuiui…now I got a damper…French isn’t my language.