Ist diese Rolex original?
Habe eine Rolex in die Finger bekommen und wollte einmal wissen ob diese original ist, vielleicht kennt sich ja jemand damit aus, auf google konnte ich sie nämlich nicht finden
Habe eine Rolex in die Finger bekommen und wollte einmal wissen ob diese original ist, vielleicht kennt sich ja jemand damit aus, auf google konnte ich sie nämlich nicht finden
Hallo zusammen. Wir suchen einen Vergleich einer unserer Münzen von 1972 aus den Olympischen Spielen. Bei Google ist leider nichts zu finden. Für Hilfe oder eine Wertermittlung wäre ich dankbar.
Ich möchte ab jetzt jeden Monat 15 Jahre lang 300 Euro im Monat anlegen. Nach 15 Jahren will ich das angesammelte Geld abheben, vorher will ich an das Geld nicht ran. Wie lege ich also am besten 300 Euro im Monat an, so dass ich nach 15 Jahren möglichst viel habe?
Was sind Merkmale vom BIP?
Hallo bei mir hat jemand geklingelt und gesagt er kommt zu mir wegen Glasfaseranschluss .. ich habe ihn nicht reingelassen, war bestimmt irgendein Verkäufer , oder müsste ich auf machen ?
z.b Bisschen Geld 💰 Oder Essen oder andere Tolle Geschenke 🎁 🙂
Es ist in den USA üblich, trotz Krankenversicherung einen Teil der Arztkosten selbst zu bezahlen. Also warum leben die Amerikaner nicht gesünder, um diese Kosten so gering wie möglich zu halten?
Very cheap Fake, that would even recognize Stevie Wonder.
It’s just that the whole dial is wrong…
Red lines = The actual center
Blue lines = alignment of the dial
Thanks for the answer, but the dial isn’t wrong?
Habs supplements
Of course look. If you don’t recognize this myself, I can also add a picture 😅
The clock has so many mistakes and yet I believe that the “false” of the thing to not make any more wrong many things that actually belonged to it just left;D
Look alone at the 9 (date). For the first time this is the wrong “writing” and then the number is so uncentered, the watch would have sorted out the Rolex Schmiede before assembly.
Where the bracelet goes into the watch, look up the right (picture), this gap Rolex would not have dared…
Hello Kalash936, 👋
that’s not a Rolex,
but ne original fake watch.
you didn’t get a Rolex in your finger,
but a miserable forgery.
No, she’s not.
As bad as this looks
not so often on the Internet… 🤦🏻 ♀️
LG 🙋🏻
that you see on the first sight
a rolex looks noble, no matter how you stand to the brand or to luxury articles, if you are not stupid, you look at the fucking thing that it is valuable
it is noble
noble materials, noble processed mainly
that’s dirty what he has
I see as a simple private
What the fuck are you telling me here?
What is that?
I’m not sure, but it could be.
But I think it would be better if they had their concern cleared with a watchmaker.
This is a painfully obvious fake.
The watchmaker would show you a bird. As if you don’t recognize it yourself.
and you carry a clock left
Say who
Everyone can do that as he wants 🤨
yes, you can also eat with the hands or hold knives and forks
The statement “…you carry a clock left” is simply wrong.
And your comparison with knives and fork was not really thought out.
You can have your opinion, but it’s not that everyone has to adapt to that opinion.
I don’t know why you’re making such a touch
you can carry the watch, from me, also around the fuss joints
I just wanted to say that you wear it to the left
That you do not eat with your hands has hygienic and cultural reasons. In many Asian countries, sticks are used that make it wrong?
A watch can be worn as you want, but most carry it left. This has the reason that the majority of the population has the right hand as a dominant, which is why the watch on the left wrist, which is less and less used for heavy work, is safer.
In the same way, most left-handed men carry the clock right, for the same reason.
There are also left-handed clocks with the crown on the left and even “right-handed clocks” with crown on the left.
The clock is fake. That’s why you got her in your finger…