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1 month ago

Hello Boy,

Not all has the value for which it is offered, especially for Etsy, eBay, classifieds and others, are happy to quote prices as misprint or special coin.

Quite often, the circulation coins are more value than printed.

Your coin has only the nominal value and is not a misprint.

Your coin was issued on the 10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union (WU).

Linked to the € symbol is the link between the European Union.

Issued by all EU countries, with the inscription ‘WU 1999-2009’, provided in country language.

The design was determined by an online voting, from different motives.

You have a normal circulation coin, nothing special, it only has the nominal value.

Faulty embossments arise due to errors in the coin image and only, either before or during the embossing process. As a rule, such coins are recognized and sorted out in the embossing institution. But some coins can get into circulation.

All damages or traces of use are not considered to be embossed.

manipulations of the coin are under penalty and the coin is worthless.

The following are considered:

Use of outdated stamps, embossing on wrong round, die rotation, double embossing, fence end, embossing weakness, decentralization, double sinking, light radiant embossing.

The collector value of a coin is always dependent on the condition:

The names for the condition are:

From very good PP over pl; st; vz; ss; to very poor (used circulation coin) s.


1 month ago

The motive symbolizes the link between the participating states and the euro after 10 years of EMU. So a deliberate and consciously shaped motive.

If you found such a coin out of circulation, so in the wallet, it is worth only 2 euros because of the high embossed edition. Such coins are at best interesting for occasional collectors who they find themselves in circulation. Such coins are not bought by collectors.

If you are removed from the roll aua a collector’s set (short coin set) or pre-fresh and not touched with mere fingers, then it can have added value. The height is then a) dependent on the preg quality (stamp or mirror gloss) and b) on the country where it was embossed.

1 month ago

Current value of this coin , 87.249,37 I. R.

1 month ago

No, she’s not

1 month ago
Reply to  Boy123963251


1 month ago


1 month ago

No, that’s a coin with high circulation. I’ve had it forty times. For years.

1 month ago

It’s always in the wallet…

1 month ago

2 €, whether this is valuable?

This coin is over 80 million times in the euro area.

1 month ago

Do you mean them? Collector value approx. 5 €.