Ist diese Münze wertvoll?
Ist diese goldene 2-Cent Münze wertvoll? Vorne steht zwar 2cent, hinten aber 2 Euro Cent?
Ist diese goldene 2-Cent Münze wertvoll? Vorne steht zwar 2cent, hinten aber 2 Euro Cent?
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Hallo zusammen Kann mir einer Helfen . Ich habe aus Familien Eine Porzellan Schale geerbt Marke Gekreuzte Schwerter und 77 so wie Ein Monogram oder Buchstaben kann ich aber nicht entziffern. 2 kleine Brand Risse sonst Top. Meine Frage ist da ich nichts vergleichbares im Internet Finde. Wie Alt und Selten ist die Schale und…
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Hallo ich habe diese Münze heute gefunden und möchte wissen ob die selten ist und wie viel sie wert ist
Hallo habe ca 13kg Silberbesteck mit der Frankierung 90. Meine Frage ist ob jemand ca einschätzen kann was ich dafür erwarten kann eine Spanne reicht mir auch. Außerdem haben sie eine Markierung mit den Mitteln,, ES”
There’s every Austrian 2-cent coin.
No, because this is a manipulated 2-cent coin that was subsequently gilded. There are several ways to do this.
Here is a gold-plated 2-Euro coin as an example made by Yrral
First of all, thank you and sorry, have never looked so closely at me to notice that it is up to everyone! How do you manipulate? In the after? In production?
With manipulated I mean that someone later – after the official embossing process and not during production – gilded.
This can be done by anyone who has the necessary know-how and the corresponding chemical equipment.
I once added my post to a photo of a 2 Euro coin I myself gilded. As a basis I used a dog-like 2 Euro coin fresh from the role that had no scratches yet.
By the way, a 2-cent coin is easier to gild. This is done using a mixture of potassium hydroxide solution and zinc powder and subsequent heating of the coin.
Looks kind of nicer. But it’s nice to shine gold.
What coin do you mean? The questioner or mine?
(My photo shot without daylight is just anything but ideal)
Or do you mean the type of production?
Thank you.
It is also “real” gilded.
Yes, yours.
Hello Emmy,
This coin is manipulated (mechanically/eloxed/galvanically modified), so it has lost its price value and has only material value.
Misprints must be said:
coining course coins is a mass production,
Time is money, there is not great respect for quality, here is mass.
It is simply impossible that the embossing of millions of coins of a value unit, all 100% equal. Therefore, certain tolerance values are established. Since the tools also change/abuse during embossing.
If the tolerance values are significantly exceeded (which are defined), incorrect imprints can occur.
Faulty embossments arise due to errors in the coin image and only, either before or during the embossing process. As a rule, such coins are recognized and sorted out in the embossing institution. But some coins can get into circulation.
All damages or traces of use are not considered to be embossed.
manipulations of the coin are under penalty and the coin is worthless. However, caution is also necessary here, because a lot of manipulated is also required.
The following are considered:
Use of outdated stamps, embossing on false rounds, die rotation, double embossing, fence end, embossing weakness, decentring, double sink, light-wheel embossing, punch cracks, punch breaks, mirror embossing.
The alleged misprints in the portals with fantasies prices can be forgotten. Those who enter such offers must not complain if he finds: I have been pulled over the table.
A very normal 2 cent circulation coin from Austria. But also not worth a cent.
There is ZWEI EURO CENT – this is a dog-normal 2 cent coin from Austria. With heat or chemical toys you get a golden color.