Ist diese Münze was besonderes?
Wenn ja wie viel ist die Wert?
Wenn ja wie viel ist die Wert?
Hat jemand eine Ahnung ob dieses Bild etwas wert ist, wenn ja, wie viel ungefähr? Es wurde von der K.K Staatsdruckerei gedruckt
Ich bin beim Stöbern, durch die Bücher meiner Eltern, auf einige recht alte Bücher gestoßen 1883, 1885 u.ä. Bei Google Books habe ich das eine oder andere wiederfinden können, was das Alter bestätigt. Meine Frage ist gibt es Menschen die sich für so alte Bücher interessieren, bzw. wie finde ich solche Leute. (Gerne Museen/ Büchereien)…
Kann kemand bitte mir hilfen ich versuch das seit eine stunde das zu lösen oder zu verstehen aber habe trotzdem nixxx verstanden. Wie soll ich das machen kann jemand mir das erklären bittte brauche hilfe.
Hallo! Wollte wissen wie ich einen originalen Nachkriegszeit tropenhelm erkennen kann!! Danke! MfG
Hallo, würde gerne wissen, ob die beiden Vasen von Oma echt sind. Vielen Dank
Ochhhhh neeeee, who’s back.
Congratulations on this French 2 € coin.
The nominal value of this coin is sure that it was already.
10.074.085 , it’s done with rarity. Otherwise, there’s nothing unusual about it. Aside from the very strong orbits.
Current value of the coin, 92.271,72 I. R.
Where to sell?
Ebay ne gut idea? N E I N
Forget about these stupid deals on Ebay and Co. These offers are of people who live in a completely distorted fantasy world and dream of the constant dream of smart money. As fast as possible to get a lot of money and best not to do anything for it. To use such nonsensical offers as a reference basis is in this case that the worst thing you can do at all.
Apart from that, they are offered at these inconspicuous prices, traded N I C H T and also sold N I C H T. Whether they are sold at all is on a completely different sheet. Everyone can offer his stuff at any fantasy price, including people who have no idea about this topic.
What’s so strange since her all
Just because I ask if this coin is special?
Do you all have a bad day, or why since you’ve been so grieving about a normal question?
Thought this platform is for such questions
Because this question about the coin is raised several times a day under new user names.
But you can use the search function before asking a question. That’s what others do, and that’s why she’s here.
Yes and you don’t have to answer them every day if you don’t have a bock
No, this coin was coined in a relatively high number of pieces and is nothing special or even particularly valuable.
“70,000 ex. The 2 euro common coin WWU is also known as a coin. The coin was issued for the 10th anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union (WU) in 2009.”
Is this coin special?
I’ve missed her since yesterday.
And where could I sell those for the value xy?
wherever you find dummies
What’s so strange since her all
Not invalid; only totally annoyed and because we can’t see/release all these bargains.
Nobody forces you to look at the question or answer it.
Unfortunately, man/woman does not come to read such meaningless questions, except the FS gives other taggs – such as value/value estimation.
Perhaps these FS should check beforehand how many answers to this coin have already been written; Maybe they think about asking. But, they probably think they own this special, rare bar male coin.
You don’t need to worry about it, it’s embarrassing you didn’t get a xy value.
So hold back
You can change the taggs when the wrong tagg triggers you, just change it.
Why would it be embarrassing because I asked a normal question?
On the Internet is such a coin what is worth, then it is said again that it is worth nix, who should I believe?
You and the others have performed you like that, so I can also answer Pampig, that’s so simple.
for the 100,000th time: NO, this is a normal course coin with a value of 2 euros.
Sorry I didn’t know
It is asked almost daily…
Then I’d be stone-rich as many times as I’ve had… I really don’t know who postes such cheese. It’s best to offer them to those people. Then you see if they are willing to pay.
Yes, that’s nice, but if on the Internet it’s worth the 100-200€, of course I’ll ask for security again.👍
This is the French issue of a memorial coin issued in 16 euro countries in 2009 in a million edition, worth 2 euros.
It is distinguished primarily by its immensely high edition. The chance that the famous bar male will eventually be worth more than 2 euros is in the minus area.
Finally again, I’ve missed the bar. To be worth 1.99€ because so many mosquitoes are inside…
Why are everybody so fucked? There is not only one variant of this coin☝️. There are many rarer variations. Zb the one from Finland with just over 1mio editions. The French of you has 10mio editions. This is worth 2€.
If you have more questions about coins, you can ask me
Value: 2€
this is a normal 2€ coin. The
Oh, okay, thought that would be such a misprint that is very valuable🙈
I try another user:
“It’s not worth anything anymore, there’s someone scratching a bargain.”
Hahaha sounds good.
The bar male coin has been coined to hundreds of thousands and has no further value except the nominal value of €2.
2 euro coin – the whole truth about the value (
you can read here.
Minimum 150 € worth
That’s wrong.
I know. But if this bar male coin question comes every day, you can’t answer seriously any more.
Oh, I could have thought sorry 😅 nice evening