Ist diese Münze fehlgeprägt?
Hi 😃 wollte mal fragen ob diese Münze eine fehlprägung ist. Das mittlere der Münze (der gelbe Teil ) ist locker, fällt aber nicht raus.
Hi 😃 wollte mal fragen ob diese Münze eine fehlprägung ist. Das mittlere der Münze (der gelbe Teil ) ist locker, fällt aber nicht raus.
Danke für den rat Bronzezeitler. Ich denke ich lasse es auch besser sein mir jede Münze anzuschauen. Nur würde unebdingt noch gern wissen ob diese Münze was Wert sein könnte. Ich glaube gelesen zu haben das diese Prägung eines der am höchsten gehandelt worden ist. Beste Grüße
Hallo ihr Lieben, ich suche seid ein paar Wochen im gesamten Internet mit Hilfe von Stichwörtern eine Weihnachtskassette aus meiner Kindheit. Die Kassette war sicherlich schon etwas älter (70er, 80er um den Dreh). Ich habe auch schon auf YouTube gesucht, doch dort ist sie auch nicht zu finden. Das Problem ist, dass ich mich nur…
Und zwar für den Nennwert? Ich würde mich gerne im Mai die 10-Euro-Münze “Feuerwehr” kaufen. Und wenn ja: Bei welchen Banken?
Hallo zusammen ich habe diese Münze in meiner alten Jacke gefunden und sehe abunzu mal nach fehlprägungen aber kenne mich kaum bis garnicht aus darum wollte ich fragen ob diese Münze eine fehlprägung besitzt oder überhaupt etwas wert ist außer natürlich die 2€ die sie normalerweise wert ist vielen dank für jeden informativen kommentar
Hey hey ich habe paar Münze weißen ihr ob die was wert sind ?? Und wo kann ich die verkaufen ?
Ich habe einfach mal durch meine vielen Geldmünzen gezählt usw. Und dann sind mir die Rückseiten aufgefallen,und habe gegoogelt ob sie vielleicht vielleicht wertvoll sein können und frage jetzt einen von Ihnen. Ich hoffe Experten beantworten die Frage oder welche die sich auskennen damit. Wenn sie sich auskennen bitte den Wert wie viel. Dankeschön MFG…
It’s just old and fucked.
In the best case, it is worth 2 euros.
OK thanks 😂, but why is the separation not even easy to recognize between the legs? You should see a bit, right?
I’m not sure.
I’ll put her on
No, the coin is just completely ass. You see.
Where’s that misconductive bullshit coming here lately? Every day people upload some broken coins and ask.
What is the biggest stupid thing on the platform here are people like you want to spread the bad mood… Breathe and then respond nicely next time or just let it be ^^
Make yourself smart about misprints.
There are good pages on the Internet.
Ergo first inform himself and then give a loud message (others call it K…….).
Nope. Like the question, so the answer. Your coin is just completely broken and that even looks like a blind man. Why should I brush you for something like that?
You Kiddies are used to be praised for every brain fury. The Inge may do this in primary school, but in real life people tell you their opinion.
Because there is currently a total hype for real misprints, which are offered for madness prizes on Ebay, as in the past for misprinted stamps that every collector wanted. And of course everyone looks into the wallet and hopes that he has such a “shake”.
OK, may be, but why do the Kiddies mean that their completely destroyed coins are misprints? I don’t think that my rusted golf 3 is a valuable vintage car in good condition.
I have been active here for seven years and so long and much longer, such questions are asked.
I’ve been a long time, I haven’t noticed that much as in the past 1-2 years.
Absolutely right, and then they’ll be cheeky, like at the schoolyard.
Because today the greed for wealth is unlimited without its own power. Just at the Kiddies. And, of course, from ignorance, because they do not know all euro coins, which are coined with the bar on it (which is intended to represent a cave drawing), which has been coined in millions of editions, is set on the ongoing band as an alleged misprint or special coin. Coins with cheap gold plating also.
No. There’s no comma coming. Ready.
That you can’t accept that you can be wrong with 19 or 20 years and find mistakes with others might suggest that you’re not the smartest… . While intelligence is a very complex subject, but of what I have heard from you, you didn’t mean the highest IQ, not evil. I am ending this meaningless discussion. A beautiful day in your world.
Yes, it is.
No, that’s not true.
Yeah, just accept that you’re wrong. :
A comma is required to separate the insertion “in primary school” because it is an explanation that interrupts the flow of the sentence. The comma serves to separate the main part of the sentence: “This may make the inge” from the additional information: “in primary school”.
No, it doesn’t mean it’s language.
No, there is definitely no comma.
“Why should I brush you for something like that?” – It should be “for such a thing” instead of “for such a thing.”
“This may make the Inge so in primary school” – Here a comma is missing after “Inge”: “This may make the Inge, in primary school so…”
Get away from me. But it’s interesting how much you’ve interpreted into a short sentence 🙂
I have to give you the right, but you can’t deny that it sounded strong after provocation…
Look, I can’t care if other people think about you that you’re not so smart when you say and write the only. If others know what you mean, it doesn’t matter. There’s no word, ready.
As you can ask for this coin here, I can repair you ^^
My answer was the first.
Do you understand what I meant? Yeah, you did. Is there a problem?
There is no one.
Boah the people say their opinion I wouldn’t have thought…😱 What you have written before you, why do you write it twice? Or are you blind?🤔 The only thing you have contributed to this is the bad mood 😇. You can ask for this or what is the platform for?
Thank you
Haha, I like you
Possible damage due to heat, but the images are not very meaningful. It is in no case a misconception, and, on the other hand, this coin is already marginal for payment transactions, and I do not know whether it has to be accepted.
The value is 2 Euros, if still valid for payment.
A very clear N E I N .
It’s just damaged.
If the btw was a really valuable misprint that would be worth 5,000€ in the best condition, yours would be worth 50€.
It’s worth 2€ and more it won’t.
The preservation would always be almost worthless.
Average Roman coins are better preserved.
50 Euro is better than 2 euro 🤔
It’s not a misprint, and you can’t even recognize it.
This was just an example without real relevance
I could have taken 2000 and 3€
but you have to pay 4,95 porto
Did I say it’s one? It was related to the first part of your text…
This looks very like a Cypriot coin that has suffered arg and can be considered quite broken.
I recommend reading the following: failures/
Probably not, the coin is simply extremely tapped.
It’s just enormously damaged.
No, the coin is just broken!
No, it’s just cut off.
Thank you
No, it’s just very worn out. Maybe there was a car over there. It doesn’t look like a misprint.
OK, thanks 😂, the theory is great.
I think it’s just broken.