Ist diese Matheaufgabe falsch?
Wir haben diese Matheaufgabe bekommen:
28 – 4(9 – 3x) = -4x – (6 – 4x) * 4
Meiner Meinung nach ist die Falsch, weil ich dabei Ergebnisse wie 16 = 0 herausbekomme.
Wir haben diese Matheaufgabe bekommen:
28 – 4(9 – 3x) = -4x – (6 – 4x) * 4
Meiner Meinung nach ist die Falsch, weil ich dabei Ergebnisse wie 16 = 0 herausbekomme.
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Also bis jetzt könnte ich alle Aufgaben mit Hilfe der Tabelle lösen aber diese Aufgabe ist mir unklar wie soll man hier vorgehen? Aufgabe 9.
If you get out after using your solution 16=0, then your solution is wrong, i.e. You were wrong somewhere: incorrectly combined, wrongly reshaped, calculated.
Ups – Correction:
In this case, the x’e actually lifts, and there is an untrue statement, i.e. here the amount of solution is the empty quantity, i.e. L={}.
So, you did everything right – you didn’t know how to start the result. :
If I need to specify |R, then select |R = {} ?
|R means the sign for the real numbers: this is a fixed amount, i.e. |R={} would be a contradiction or a false statement. The amount of solution is usually given by an L; if the |R is in the position of the task, the range of numbers that may be considered for the amount of solution is therefore certainly meant.
If, for example, the valid number range |N, i.e. the natural numbers, and you have the only solution x=2.5 out, then also L={}, because 2.5 is not a natural number.
although cumbersome (too long)et , but perfect
It’s surprising for you, but there are two special cases in such grease:
Number = 0 or even 0 = 0 as last line
That doesn’t mean you were wrong:
::: Number = 0
For :::: 0 = 0 infinite many solutions
You didn’t know that.
already in the second line (left +12 x ) (right -4x + 16x = +12x ) you can see that x disappears
Fact. The equation won’t open.
Your bill is true, there is no solution.
The equation has no solution.
Here the solution
On the third line you have 8x-24.
How do you get to the 8x?
-4x + 16x would have to be 12x?
right is -4x+16x=12x, i.e. the x’e lift up, and -24+8=-16
Ups I’ve made a mistake