Ist diese Formulierung richtig?
“ich bin durch xy in Vergesslichkeit geraten”
“ich bin durch xy in Vergesslichkeit geraten”
Hab mich die Frage immer wieder gestellt – hier ein Beispielsatz: Gebaut wurde das Kolosseum im Jahre 72 n.Chr. Hebt der letzte Punkt, welcher eigentlich zur Abkürzung von “Christus” bestimmt ist, den Punkt zum Markieren des Satzendes auf, oder müsste eigentlich eine zweiter Punkt erfolgen? Ich finde ja beides sieht irgendwie unbefriedigend aus. Und bitte…
Ein Mensch sitzt… Was ist beispielsweise mit einer Grille… Eine Grille…
Hallo, ich schreibe bald meine Facharbeit in Geschichte über das Thema Indigene Völker. Allerdings benötige ich eine Problemfrage. Am besten sollte es keine W Frage sein, dass heißt nicht mit Warum oder Wieso beginnen. Vielen Dank!
Hallo 🙂 das ist ja Future 2 oder
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“Überblick über Informationssysteme anhand aktueller Optimierungsmodelle” Ist der Satz grammatikalisch korrekt oder muss OptimierungsodelleN heißen? oder vllt auch aktuelleN? stehe gerade auf dem Schlauch
It’s best to just apologize. We all have a daily life, that’s not a good excuse. You better leave everyday life.
“I forgot to complete and send the documents for my course participation. I kindly ask you to excuse my forgetfulness.”
Because, according to your comments, you probably want to say that you forgot something, you should just say that directly.
Forgetfulness is something that a person gets trouble at age. It’s not something you can use to ERATEN. It can be forgotten or forgotten. This means that you used to be known and no one remembers you anymore.
The proposal of Katharina894is the best.
You mean “forgiveness” instead of “reality”?
In principle, it is possible to formulate: “I have been forgotten (e.g., by these circumstances).
Or do you think you’ve “forget” yourself?
Then, for example, I would write, “I forgot about xy that…”.
How to write this
“I am sadly in forgetfulness through everyday life and unfortunately did not come to it”
“in forgetfulness” is definitely wrong.
“I have been forgotten” means that others have forgotten me. In general, it is said that events or people have come into being (=one no longer remembers them), but one can say that badly from oneself.
That sounds better:
“I’m sadly lost through everyday life and came to it”
I didn’t forget that. So true:)
Forgetfulness is a state in which people can be advised for various reasons: be it because old / very stressed / too little liquid taken.
But you can’t get into forgetfulness, but forgetfulness.
If you can’t remember anything, you’re forgetful.
Now explain what you want to share with your sentence.
Yes, your formulation is so correct! 😊
The Word of Vergeness does not exist on our planet
It’s inappropriate in this case. The proposal of Katharina894 is the best.
Forget it?
You mean it distracted you XY, so you didn’t do anything*?
I have come to forgetfulness through everyday life
Then you had too much for your ears and forgot something?
Who do you want to justify?
I’m sorry, I only understand railway station
Only to participate in a course
Sounds weird, what do you want to say?
I forgot to complete and send certain documents
“I am sadly in forgetfulness through everyday life and unfortunately did not come to it”