Ist dies richtig geschrieben(Grammatik/Rechtschreibung)?
Zudem bitte ich um Entschuldigung, dass ich mit einer merkwürdigen Mail sowie Profilbildes Ihnen eine E-Mail geschrieben habe, so sollte es eigentlich nicht sein, aber die Mail am Anfang schrieb ich per Handy, sodass ich ausversehen meine “Spam”-Mail dafür genommen habe und nicht meine Hauptreguläre Mail “(Meine Private Mail)” für formelle Angelegenheiten.
Ist das korrekt?
In addition, I would ask for an apology that I had not accidentally used my official email address …@… with the right profile picture.
The recipient is less interested in how this was done. It’s all right, you can just ask for apology, mention the correct addresses again, and don’t go any further.
You probably don’t mean the “mail”, but the “(e)mailAddress“.
… with a strange mail and a Profile You have written an e-mail. So it shouldn’t be, but the mail at the beginning I wrote by phone so I Of an accident my “Spam” email for it and not my regular Mail “(My Private Mail)” for formal matters.
I just corrected the immediate mistakes. It is also possible to formulate everything much more simply:
In addition, I would like to apologize for the unusual appearance of my mail. This is because I accidentally wrote it through a mail account with my phone, which is not actually intended for formal matters and addresses.
Yes Grammar and in spelling everything is right.
Oh, oh! Look at the answer.