ist dies eine Fehlprägung Frankreich 2€ Jahr 2000?
Diese 2 Euro münze ist der Innenteil kleiner als ich bei anderen gesehen habe, ist das als Fehlprägung zu bezeichnen.
Die Jahreszahl ist auch im Innenteil und die Sterne auch.
verzeiht mir ich habe echt keinen Plan davo
Congratulations on this 2 € coin from France
The nominal value of this coin is sure that it was already.
It’s not rare, it’s not unusual, even if it’s not unusual, it’s aside from the strong orbits.
Current value, 49.703, 17 V. D.
Ever heard of acceptable tolerance values? Coins shape, is a mass product. It is simply not possible that millions of coins all look equal to 100%. Minimum deviations in the embossing image are therefore not to be avoided at all. Therefore, these acceptable tolerance values are completely normal. Only if these are exceeded to a certain percentage can one speak of a misprint.
Forget about what you read somewhere. These offers are of people who live in a completely distorted fantasy world and dream of the constant dream of smart money. As fast as possible to get a lot of money and best not to do anything for it. To use such nonsensical offers as a reference basis is in this case that the worst thing you can do at all.
Apart from that, they are offered, not traded or sold at these weak prices. Whether they are sold at all is on a completely different sheet. Everyone can offer his stuff at any fantasy price, including people who have no idea about this topic.
That’s normal.
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How would the stamp make it smaller?
It’s not a misprint.