Ist die Wunde entzündet?
Habe mich Mittwoch am Schienbein verletzt (bin gegen Metall geknallt). Seit dem sieht die Wunde auch so aus und wird glaub sogar schlimmer (wobei sie davor bisschen tiefer war). So sieht es jetzt aus:
Ist das entzündet? Ich bin gerade in Frankreich bei einem Schauspielprojekt mitten im Nirgendwo, aber wir versuchen morgen eine Apotheke zu finden. Wenn nicht, dann übermorgen. Also falls die morgen zu sind. Weil in Apotheke können die es ja einschätzen, ob ich es nochmal untersuchen lassen soll oder so. Aber was sagt ihr, denkt ihr, es ist entzündet?
When you come to a pharmacy then ask Braunovidon – ointment, it is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. That’s really good on the wound and then a pflater on it. Only after three days again apply the ointment and again apply a plaster. You’ll see the wound will soon heal.
A little. Basically, with disinfectant or betaisadona no big thing.
But it probably didn’t. Always in my backpack.
If you’re looking for this tomorrow, you’ll be safe.
Thank you. Tomorrow is Sunday, so it is difficult with pharmacies, even here in France. But let’s see if we can find something. But I have such an antiseptic spray and therefore I already disinfect, if I have the injury. But thanks. Be sure to think about this in the future.
In France, will there be emergency apothetics?
If I don’t want to get Mo Betaisadona at the latest. Apply it once, leave it alone for 2 days. Actually, the redness should go back visibly.
This looks like a type of injury, completely normal. If this were significantly inflamed, the injurious skin around the wound would also be redd.
Let the plaster 2-6 h away and form a solid bark.
I told you yesterday it was inflamed. You said it would be better.
As long as you have nothing better, you should disinfect and cool with hydroxyquinoline solution.