Ist die Überschrift richtig?
Möchte als Bildunterschrift : „Moments in Spain“ schreiben. Passt es grammatikalisch? Und würde es zu jedem Land passen? Egal welches Land ich am Ende schreibe ?
Möchte als Bildunterschrift : „Moments in Spain“ schreiben. Passt es grammatikalisch? Und würde es zu jedem Land passen? Egal welches Land ich am Ende schreibe ?
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Aufgabe: a) Die Geschichte zu Sowas Bild ist mit Überarbeitungshinweisen kommentiert worden. Ordnet jeder Textstelle (Ziffer) den richtigen Überarbeitungshinweis (Buchstaben) zu, z.B.: 1 =… b) Die Buchstaben ergeben zwei Wörter, die eine der Bildfiguren bezeichnen. Was würde da bei euch rauskommen?
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Guten Tag , Thema Spanish : kann mir einer schreiben, was man in den fehlenden Formen rein schreibt also da, wo dieser grauer Viereck ist . Lg
I find the title abhorred, but it goes grammatically with all cities and countries, except for those who are in the plural, for example: the Netherlands. The article must not be missing.
Thank you, I am open to other suggestions 😀
Without knowing the content of a novel, film or the like, other suggestions are quite meaningless. I’m just finding your title boring and nothing. He wouldn’t animate me to buy me the book or go to the movie.
As a headline for several photos, you can use this title rather than a signature for a single image. In your question, there is a headline and signature again.
So if you want to write “Moments in Spain” it’s right. And you can hang every country in the back. e.g. “Moments in Sweden”
Thanks, how could it sound better? What’s wrong with Bzw?
Doesn’t know exactly that is one of those things where it just doesn’t fit when you read it. But that’s just my personal feeling. Go for it.
Yeah, it’s okay.
Okay, but it’s okay for a picture caption, right?
Yes, it is correct in grammatical terms, but you know that “Spain” means “Spain”, so it cannot fit any country.
In the question, I meant whether the front sentence fits everything : say : Moments in switzerland, Moments in Paris
Oh, yeah.
Of course.
Thanks anyway 😀
I don’t think that’s better.
Would you have another proposal?:)
Well, I wouldn’t be so interested to look at this.
Does this sound boring for a picture caption?
that fits so and you can write so for most countries. Exceptions are country names that need a specific article, such as
the US(A), the Netherlands, the Bahamas, the Czech Republic, the West Indies, …
( materials/english/determined articles)