Ist die Sprache der Krähen einigermaßen entschlüsselt?

Meiner Einschätzung nach, wie ich sie hier vor Ort oft höre, haben Krähen eine Sprache mit vielen Wörtern(Bedeutungen). Sie ändern Ihren Krählaut und die Tonhöhe. Das deutet für mich auf eine Sprache zur Kommunikation miteinander.

Ist diese entschlüsselt? Und wenn nein, warum nicht?

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2 years ago

For me, that means a language for communication.

You’re right. Many animals use different sounds for communication.

And in crows it is known that different sounds have different meanings. (For example, “normal signal” in the sense of “I am here, everything OK” or calls to warn other crows.)

Is this decrypted? And if no, why not?

I don’t know if and how far exactly it’s decrypted.
And “why not?”: Why didn’t you do it so far?

2 years ago
Reply to  apparmor

you can not read animal thoughts, you can only reduce this to the visible one, and as you know it is more than visible in the animals.

2 years ago

Rumours are an integral part of beings also over distances. Air flows are so short-lived.

2 years ago

but with visible I mean everything that would be visibly measurable, that would also be rugged.

2 years ago

Sure. There are, for example, also signals transmitted by odors etc.

1 year ago

Crows have regional sounds and dialects. It would be impossible to translate in general. When crows come to a new group, there is nothing left for them to learn the sounds and the dialect.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sieriouz

The dialects are often distinguished by loud group dialects and quieter private familendialects. If you are friends with a crow, you will also form your own dialect.