Ist die Spannweite zwischen meinen Fingern groß?

Ich spiele Klavier und meine Klavierlehrer fanden immer, dass ich merkwürdige Fingersätze nehme, bis sie vermuteten, dass ich eine größere Spannweite zwischen den einzelnen Fingern habe und meine Fingersätze angenehm für mich sind, während sie es eben nicht für meine Klavierlehrer waren.

Allerdings habe ich jetzt nicht besonders große Hände, sprich diese Spannweiten dürften nur zwischen den anderen Fingern außergewöhnlich groß sein. Aber ich kann mir nur schwer vorstellen, dass die tatsächlich größer ist, daher bräuchte ich mal paar Vergleiche 😅

Oder ihr könnt mir auch anhand der Intervalle, die ich mit den verschiedenen Fingern spielen kann, wahrscheinlich sagen, ob das ne normale Spannweite ist. Ich werde die größtmögliche Spannweite hinschreiben, wenn’s ums locker Spielen geht, dürfte es eigentlich maximal nur ein Ganzton (bei den großen Intervallen), sonst ein Halbton weniger sein. Oh, und ich habe es nur bei der linken Hand notiert, meine rechte Hand schafft nur gut ne g9, aber der Rest dürfte gleich sein

  • K – R: g6
  • K – M: r8
  • K – Z: g9
  • K – D: g10
  • R – M: g6
  • R – Z: r8
  • R – D: g10
  • M – Z: k7
  • M – D: g10
  • Z – D: g9

K= Kleiner Finger

R= Ringfinger

M= Mittelfinger

Z= Zeigefinger

D= Daumen

Will echt wissen, ob ich einfach nur komische Fingersätze nehme oder meine Hände tatsächlich merkwürdig sind 👀😬

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7 months ago

If I read your belly there correctly, can you grab an octave with a small finger and middle finger of the left hand? But we’re talking about an ordinary keyboard? If this is the case, it would be very extraordinary.

However, I have two questions: starting from this example, what happens to the other fingers? You won’t be able to grab the octave with these two fingers, and then you’ll be able to use the other fingers (teigefinger and thumb) in some sense, will you? And if this isn’t the case (of which I’m getting out of here), I don’t see how it works great on finger sets. In this case, you would have to put all five fingers simultaneously on the keyboard and clamp as far as possible to see how the distances are.

In other words, with regard to the game and thus the finger sets, your information about the possible tension between the fingers is comparatively irrelevant without using the other fingers. Of course, they would be unusually large.

In particular, the last line is an eye-catcher to grab a large none with thumb and cing fingers is already a performance. I might come to a sexte, if ever. However, it is also a performance that hardly keeps you in practice… These distances between individual fingers, without taking into account the rest of the hand, would basically only make sure that if only two fingers play an interval, your hand is not so fast on tension. For example, in the case of Schubert’s Erlkönig, you might have a certain buffer in terms of fatigue phenomena. (If not your distance of small fingers and thumb is just the decime, that is surprisingly little in relation to the other distances.) [Do you have any physical peculiarities? There are people who can bend or bend very far apart links, as always the technical word is called.]

lg up

7 months ago

I’ll send you what “hasenbein” says. Doesn’t know if it’s so accurate, but the pages might also interest you in general

Post in topic “Sirius 6.0 – The wing with narrower keys”

Mathmaninoff, UserMod Light

My intervals left hand, white keys:

5-4: 6

5-3: 8

5-2: 9

5-1: 11

4-3: 7

4-2: 8

4-1: 11

3-2: 7

3-1: 10

2-1: 9

The decime with middle fingers and thumb is also looser for me than the undeeem with small fingers and thumbs, so it is not much different for me either.

I only achieve some intervals by strong turning of the hand, which would be unpracticable when playing. With the technique and exercise, the finger sets are already possible. A bit of caution is necessary not to overthrow. Between a small finger and thumb, I would need longer fingers for a noticeably larger span, because small fingers and thumbs are almost in the 180° angle to each other. Between the other fingers there is more to the 180° angle, which can be stretched (be careful!).

Here is a qualitative sketch when I fix the thumb and the remaining fingers as far as possible to the left:

When I turn the whole hand a bit counterclockwise, I can also use ring fingers and thumbs to grip almost the same as with a small finger and thumb. There is almost no difference between ring finger and middle finger. Because the index finger is shorter than the middle finger, there is a somewhat larger difference. There are even people who do not have their maximum span between small fingers and thumb, because ring fingers and middle fingers are longer. It is not so extraordinary that the intervals between the other fingers are hardly smaller than between small fingers and thumbs.

It is normal that for everyone another fingerset is better, as each hand is different. And you have relatively big hands.