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The series is well implemented with the Vaults.
Yes, the series is implemented by the games, so the series has come out.
The series does tell its own story, it can also very well implement it.
The Fallout games have been there forever.
It’s recommended. You don’t need to play games unless you want to know more about the ghoul, the monsters like the death claws etc.
I didn’t know there was a game. I also found the series so good and very exciting.
There are several games, the series has therefore been filmed, inspired by the games, and also inspired by the world. The story is its own.
Thanks for the info
yes, I found her pretty good
if you know the game, she’s better, but she goes
if, of course, you don’t like thema, she won’t be
then look further
There is also a game to do this?
yes, it means fallout 1-4
and of course the series is to the game and not the game to the series
you do not have to
it plays after an atomic war and many people have changed it into closed bunkers, without external contact, in the vaults
but outside there was also life and society
Oh, okay. Then thank you for the hint. I saw Twilight once.
No, I meant that you don’t need the games as a prekenntis for the series
you just need to know that some have survived the nuclear war outside and others under the earth in bunks.
And who gets a lot of radiation sometimes becomes a ghoul, but not necessarily
and the Brotherhood is an organization of elite soldiers that gather technology
Then you’ll be fine.
You okay? Did I do anything wrong or why so unfriendly?
Yes, she is!
She is strongly inspired by the games and also spreads their charm, but she tells another story like the games!
Absolutely. I looked the series.