Ist die Pille gefährlich?

Hallo Community,

meine Mutter möchte, dass ich (14) eine leichte Pille wegen Endometriose bekomme. Ist mit den Frauenärzten auch abgeklärt.

Klar ist es schmerzhaft aber lohnt es sich denn? Was sind Nebenwirkungen und gibt es Risiken für mich und vielleicht später mal für mein Kind?

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1 year ago

So I also take the pill because of extreme control complaints. It wasn’t the first recommendation from the women’s doctor, but then eventually. Personally, I don’t even notice any side effects on myself. That’s different for everyone. So I don’t know any problems with pregnancy, but I’d rather have a professional advice! There are more likely and very rare side effects

1 year ago
Reply to  Grenea

No pill has no effect on subsequent pregnancy

1 year ago

There are various types of pills. You’ll probably be prescribed a combination pill of progesterone and estrogen.

Both these hormones suppress the release of LH and FSH (two hormones, which, on the one hand, initiate the maturation of the egg and, on the other hand, allow the cervical mucosa to be formed thicker, so that in the case of fertilization, the egg can enter.)

In the case of suspicion of endometriosis, this can be the desired effect, since here the mucosa of uterus grows outside the uterus. So less mucosa outside the womb = Less pain during the period.

Side effects can be varied, e.g. chest tensions, skin reactions, headaches, libido changes or thromboses (the frequency of healthy, young women is very low.)

Some sources also report depression or weight gain, but there is no scientific evidence of causality here.

There is no danger for later pregnancy. The pill is a good option and more tolerable than standard pain medications in duration.

If there are problems or too severe side effects during taking, please contact your treating female physician!

I hope I could help a bite!

Good improvement:)

1 year ago

It’s not about anything, and whether it’s worth deciding for yourself. There are also possibilities to live in a natural way without complaining. I’ll get you something.

In principle, micronutrients, lifestyle, nutrition and stress management are involved. It can be done gradually, or from now on it will be the same. One certainly has an increased need for some micronutrients such as magnesium, iron and B vitamins. You can start well and supplement

The pill’s gonna do something with one, and it’s kind of going over to the kid. It is important, however, that if a child’s request exists you wait at least 3, better 6 months. Until there are most synthetic hormones out of the body. Applies to all hormonal methods. In the case of early intake also with 14, it can be that the uterus does not grow further. But this is also usually the case after a few months after dropping the pill

1 year ago
Reply to  Alexandra1410

no Nothing goes on child and the hormones are after 3 days from the


again advertising for an unscientific book

1 year ago

No the pill is idR not dangerous and has no negative NW atn90% of women. It is also a means of choice at Endo.

She has no influence on fertility and no influence on your children afterwards