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2 years ago

The pill after that has no abortive effect, but inhibits the ovulation and shifts the ovulation in the cycle of the woman by 5 days to the rear, so that no fertilization is possible anymore, because the sperms have now “pass” the egg or then died and can no longer do anything.

Happy for you!

2 years ago


No. The pill after that is not an abortion pill. It only prevents the ovulation when it has not yet taken place and shifts it back for a few days, so that the egg cannot be fertilized.

When taking the pill then talking about “Mord” is therefore fundamentally wrong.

2 years ago

As I understood, she/she prevents the ovulation.

it cannot undo the ovulation and a abortion pill is not it.

from therefore I would say no, no murder or killing

2 years ago


Kind of if you don’t know how it works and what it does

2 years ago

No, you’re not pregnant, the pill then shifts the ovulation back to prevent pregnancy.

Slowly I wonder if you really mean any of your contributions seriously, they are partly inconceivable absurd.

2 years ago


2 years ago

No, you’re not pregnant.

2 years ago

if according to one of your last questions jesus brings in connection with sex and SB, then you should ask yourself about such wonders wondering if you are adult and understand the thing.