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2 years ago

The pill after that is not a contraceptive, but an emergency medication. In the event of an emergency, you have no great choice, either pill after, or let it arrive. If the pill is then taken before the ovulation, it can very surely prevent fertilization if the ovulation took place shortly before the sex, during or shortly thereafter, the pill can then do no more because it should move the ovulation. And the pill after that is not a smartie, but a serious drug with many possible side effects, a hormone bomb. This is not too late and in the ideal case you never need them.

2 years ago
Reply to  thatguuurl9

Yeah, if there’s no contraception, that’s better.

2 years ago

Emergency medicine. Not intended as normal contraception. In addition, the safety is very low compared to the normal pill.

2 years ago

If you didn’t have your ovulation, then the pill will work.

Is it recommended? If you had a contraception or have been sexually abused, yes, otherwise not. It’s not a lemon bonus, it’s a chemical lobe.