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Ladies gold watch 18k?
Hello, what could be the material value of this watch? It is from the 60s. Best regards.
Great, you’ve seen what the commentators are strangely not seeing: The coin is different from the normal 50’s.
It was made as a “polished plate” (pp / proof). Such a thing exclusively ends up with collectors and usually not in circulation. It has thus been output accidentally or by diebeshand. Due to the fact that the piece was in circulation, it has now lost its actually existing surplus value and is actually only worth 50 cents. Encapsulated and freshly banked, it would have a value of about 5 euros.
How did you realize it was a PP?
50 cents
50 cents.
The famous half green French!
EXAKT worth 50 cents.
Klaro, 50 cents
The 50 cent coin, unfortunately, is only worth 50 cents.
She’s worth 50 cents. Otherwise, nothing unusual, quite gambled.
It’s worth it!
it is