Is the cat stressed or happy?

She's lying next to me, with a free spot on the sofa between us. She stares at me without blinking. I look back, but blink to show I'm peaceful. She continues staring, straightening up. I look away intermittently, take a drink, etc., but when I look into her eyes again, her pupils suddenly dilate and the cat jumps at me, butts her head against my jaw, stays there for a moment, and then jumps away.

The body language was otherwise quite meaningless, tail was still, posture neutral.

Did she feel stress, was it a display of dominance, or was it a gesture of affection?

Later, by the way, she lay down next to me and cuddled up close and really wanted to be stroked, even on the head, which is all quite unusual for her.

So that sounds like affection, right? But this constant staring without blinking, sudden jumps and slow runs away doesn't seem so loving to me…

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1 year ago

I don’t want to judge because I didn’t see it. Something contradictory sounds the description already.

But I do not suspect any evil intentions. My cat always urges his attention – unfortunately he feels that it would be always his time as soon as you sit on the sofa πŸ˜… He sits next to me and stares at me too (for me the look says something like “Hello?! Don’t you see me?! I’m here! I play the first violin!”). If this look does not draw, he uses every movement on my side to push me (partly even quite strong) with his head. This has already led to some glass bottle-tooth collisions when he caught the elbow πŸ˜‚

1 year ago
Reply to  Loka95

I think in the last life he was bull or so πŸ˜‚

1 year ago


1 year ago

it could also be a game challenge

How long have you got him?

if he does what, what are you doing?

How often does he do what?

1 year ago
Reply to  Loka95

that with playing against food I still know

okay, but he’s also getting to feel like this

did he blink you?

with my hangover, it took a long time before he showed his affection free, it was also the one or the other holding or feeling strangely.

when he jumps at me he spins straight and is playful, which does not necessarily mean that he wants to play in a human way and he just doesn’t understand that you don’t get what exactly he wants

if he doesn’t bite or scratch, let him go and do what feels right

with time you understand

if you’re insecure if he may have pain, ask better veterinarian, otherwise I would keep watching, with time falling on more subtleties

1 year ago


1 year ago

naja, cock communication is hard for us

1 year ago

then it is also an act of affection

put on his comode

I always want to go down in the wardrobe, cuckoo, jump to the higher level, cuckoo and go back

he then maunzt even before the cabinet

well, he doesn’t understand you, you just have to get closer πŸ™‚