Ist die gut?

Hey, Ich wollte mir eine E-Gittare Zulegen da ich wieder mein Hobby nachgehen will. Wollte fragen ob dir hier gut ist:

Max GigKit E Gitarre Set, E Guitar, Elektrogitarre mit Verstärker 40 Watt, Gitarrentasche, Plektrum, Gurt, Stimmgerät, Instrumentenkabel, Ersatzsaiten, 4/4 Electric Guitar, E Gitarren Set in Schwarz

hoffe es.. wenn nicht wären Vorschläge nicht schlecht 😉

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2 years ago

Never (!!!) buy a cheap set from Amazon. Buy guitars in the shop where you can try them. And where you get advice and help, if the thing has to be set properly, for example.

The guitars from such sets are unfortunately very often nuclear scrap. The amplifiers are usually not deaf.

2 years ago

“Hobby”? Play guitar or annoy about scrap?

A good and inexpensive electric guitar is best used in the store, and if you really want to have fun and are willing to practice something, you will not get a good ketar for this 130.- €, or a usable amp.

Your presented part is something for beginners who, after a short time, realize that nothing of the stuff is really usable…

Better save for some ghits, or look click!

2 years ago
Reply to  joerosac

Half Jdt. Music made, now only home studio 🥳

Hey, I know that. 😁👍

2 years ago

No… that’s way too cheap to deliver quality. Normally, you should pay at least 200 euros for the guitar alone.

Here is a set I recommend:

Why: I have received this guitar myself as a newcomer and never regret the purchase.


2 years ago

It can’t be anything for the little money.