Ist die Flugreichweite der Drohne auch die Funkreichweite?
Hallo, ich würde gerne wissen, ob die Flugreichweite dieser Drohne auch die Funkreichweite ist, also ob ich sie 10km weit fliegen kann von einem Punkt aus, und falls nein, wo man diese Info findet.übertragung-Straßenaufnahmen/dp/B0BQ2T2TH9/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=3BNGV6ZG6MAV2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9DWU8UL4GXbQlySVNZcc-vvAhcOeGul7SAKKknT9DwybbgECJ2pW6kyWIgTGrtWtAMiCPk8AgQt__iL_bg2mQbP84DX2ryVgfMKI2a8c3tsnl_xJ2GE6eh1i670C7mO7SDWGFhg5G6vqr5fIqNUz4qa5bR6N2xAmOedlqRw1zDiy52ygtGpi_kdTWqfYIcRnlemKXFbOgniDGzyWr4ml9cox1dvh8-QBLMFEWrteID5_Z3ORcjnxRVtMVT2xMuAZq_qS706F4TbiNVIBj8XNRFBCL0idg1SCDDaJaj2iFeQ.TLErCStY554Lnqq566Bpwy8oLcOlLxh35FrA834dCUI&dib_tag=se&keywords=Dji%2B2%2Bse%2Bmini&qid=1710604690&sprefix=dji%2B2%2Bse%2Bmini%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-2&th=1
Apart from the fact that one can only fly in Germany in the short term: the theoretical range is exclusively about the radio range. But you only reach them under really optimal conditions. Realistic might be 2 Km.
What conditions are that, so probably sun and little clouds, but are there others?
Many factors play a role, including the weather. Each obstacle damps the radio signal, people, houses, mountains, trees, especially metal obstacles. In addition, other radio signals or electromagnetic waves can interfere with the connection.
If we look at the whole now purely technically, the drone can fly about 25 kilometers far in optimal weather conditions. I come to the 25 kilometers: if the drone flies constantly about 50 Km/h and a battery that lasts half an hour, you can calculate it.
50 kilometers per hour and the drone flies half an hour equals 25 kilometers per battery.
But the drone does not fly autonomously, which is why the flight range refers to the radio range. At DJI it is as soon as the connection breaks off, the drone comes back unless you have set anything else.