Ist die Existenz der Dinosauriergattung Saurophaganax nun widerlegt?
Hallo allerseits. Ist die Existenz der spätjurassischen Dinosauriergattung Saurophaganax aufgrund der Untersuchung aus dem Jahre 2024 nun widerlegt b.z.w die Gattung ungültig? Ich habe gelesen, dass ein Teil der ursprünglich Saurophaganax zugeschriebenen Fossilien der neubeschriebenen Art Allosaurus anax zugeordnet worden ist. Worin bestehen die Unterschiede zwischen Allosaurus anax und dem ursprünglichen Bild von Saurophaganax maximus?
There are only a few secured bone findings of this type and already in the first examination the way was evaluated as a new type of allosaurus
To this day it is probably not definitively clarified whether it should remain its own genus or whether it is only another species of the genus Allosaurus.
There are also discussions with Reddit
Thank you for the star.
…. in the classification of dinosaurs there are always dynamics, new and complementary finds let species disappear and new ones arise.
Saurophaganax is like this:
Due to the fossil data situation there was probably a misinterpretation and art description.
The taxon is no longer valid in the form, since the fossil material must be partially assigned to a soropod and partly to a newly described allosaurus species (Allosaurus anax).
Millions of years old fossil remains are not so easy to read…
Thank you for your helpful answer! Since its description, Saurophaganax has been regarded as a genus closely related to the Allosaurus or partly as a kind of Allosaurus (Allosaurus maximus). Now, if part of the fossil material is assigned to a new kind of allosaurus, what then are the differences between the new allosaurus anax and the original idea of Saurophaganax (Allosaurus) maximus?
Thus, if it is true to say that the genus Saurophaganax is invalid, since the holotype of the genus belongs to a soropod, the original image of the late-legal theropod still largely persists and must only be renamed to Allosaurus anax.
See here:
According to the article, the described theropods were nciht in the species and here fossils were mixed several species.
Thank you for your helpful answer and for linking this interesting website! I didn’t know this page so far and as I see now it contains many exciting information. :
Yeah, the side is a little secret tip. The book “The White Stones” is also interesting and exciting.
I actually know the book. I also believe that the author was active for a time on GF and has written many good answers and contributions to paleontological topics.