Ist die Corona Impfung eine Farce?
Hallo, Bei den Corona-Skeptikern
hieß es doch dass
fast 80% aller Infizierten nur leichte Symptome bekommen. An die 5% gar keiner krank wird. Und von den restlichen schwerer Erkrankten lediglich 4% auf die Intensiv-Stationen müssen.
Wenn ein Impfstoff bei 90% bei allen Menschen wirken soll, dann bleiben die 10% über, die sonst eh schwerer erkrankt wären. Dann dann würde das Zeug das bestenfalls bei etwa 5-6% aller Menschen einen Sinn haben.
Angenommen dass 100% sich auf die gleiche Menschengruppe bezieht.
Aber das möchte mal in Frage stellen..
Here’s an article for vaccination. If she is a farce, you can answer yourself if you want
Thank you.
Farce” is a very sympathetic expression.
You have some mistakes here.
1. The 10% in which the vaccination does not work are not identical with those which would otherwise be seriously ill. Vaccination is a complicated issue and even if there may be some overlap, most of the people who are susceptible to a serious course will be protected by vaccination.
2.) A second important factor is herd immunity. If 90% of the population are immune and the virus can no longer pass on, the chance that the remaining 10% infects drastically decreases.
I should have watched the thirteenth show on Friday!
Yes, it is, that the in sums that can be “deserved” if an vaccination was enforced, for it will not only remain in vaccination, that is, an eternal source of money for the richest on earth. What now try Biontech/Pfizer is to achieve a fast admission in the USA. Why not in DE? Because a serious admission takes years and what is now possible in the USA is fast, fast, main thing we have. About 2 months ago, however, it was published by pharmaceutical companies that what they will produce can only alleviate the flu-like symptoms, NOT a vaccine that can prevent the disease and will form immnunity (they know that this is scary, if not impossible). It is about fulfilling a minimum requirement in this rapid approval procedure and this is a farce. Why are medical measures that can avoid hospital delivery not considered? Because no money can be “deserved”, it is too cheap, only about 20 EUR per patient and week. There are such protocols and they are successful, why don’t you hear? In the end, it is not about people’s health, but about the whole, very big money, which is unfortunately the bitter reality, science has been negating since March 2020 and the epidemiology is reinvented.
“Before approx. 2 months, however, has been published by pharmaceutical companies that what they will produce will only alleviate the influenza similar symptoms, NOT a vaccine that can prevent the disease and will form immnunity (they know that this is uncanny, if not impossible).”
That’s, like so often, a false statement. No company has published such a claim and this claim does not make any sense.
And no, in the case of a serious course of Covid-19, which unfortunately is much more frequent than in the case of a normal flu, for example, there are no such protocols and unfortunately there is no really effective medicine.
How do you think that the vaccination does not work with those who would seriously suffer?
But only once assumed it would be so – if all the others were vaccinated and so that the virus could not pass on, then the 10% “vaccinator” would also be protected. keyword flock immunity.
that’s the solution. What am I doooof!!
I meant that seriously.
It wasn’t irony or sarcasm.
Thanks for the explanation!
Huh? What’s that milk girl bill?
What makes you think that the vaccine fails in people who are at risk of a serious disease?
“is on the hand.”
If you are more susceptible, the vaccine probably doesn’t look as good as it does with less susceptible.
Well, can also be reversed. Let’s hope.
Unfortunately, I am also one of the vaccinators at Hepatitis B. However, I am not very susceptible to my last cold I had over 20 years ago and also otherwise I am healthy.
It’s not on hand and it’s not right.
I was on the way to work on half the globe, and I had to be insulted against (or for) so much. Everything worked with me.
I just wanted a clean explanation of what the 100% relate. I asked my pediatrician this week and then called to the health office. THE “ENGLISH” HERUM!!
Then these percentages are a farce.
I feel really “vera..t.”
Neither the one nor the other!
Neither the one nor the other.
Neither the One or the Other?
If a vaccine is to work with 90% for all people, then the 10% will remain, which would otherwise be more severely ill.
–> this conclusion makes no sense. Of the 5% seriously ill now only about 0.5% . . . . . . . .
I mean the test result. What kind of person are you taking?
If only seriously ill patients had been tested with the active ingredient, you would be perfectly right.
That would also not be a statement about a vaccination in health. It should be almost 99.5%.
There was a lot of interpolation.
You take a circle of people who are not yet invigorated and randomly selected
I’ll take you
mean stoichiometry.
Unfortunately, I was sick as you can see.
It would also be absolutely impediable to my argumentation chain.
Ah ha, what the great normal distribution has to do with it I don’t know……
I can still have a Gaussian bell curve in a full-blown.
I doubt the steepness.
Wiso should just be those who would seriously ill if they infect themselves also be exactly the 10% that after really are not protected by the vaccine-> Probability calculation…repeat
Well, then we’d be back at the 5-6% that’s stuck in spite of vaccination from my dairy girl’s bill. Just ineffective.
How much less people have been infected
Then you would have to drop the test subjects “under the table” at the placebo group, which were not infected to get to the 100%.
No, of which half a placebo has the other half of the vaccine and then one looks from which group more are infected
are they infected?
There’s someone playing God.
Acuh the Lockdows have only a meaning for 5% or less. But billions. Vaccination is the smallest problem.
this is a redistribution of the health insurance contributions of the small people to the pharmaceutical industry.
Hopefully this stuff works when it comes to the market.
I suggest that doctors and nurses are first vaccinated. Then they no longer pay attention to hygiene, and then the stuff spreads even more quickly than before.