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2 years ago

It depends on which optician you are going to. At the fielm…. there are versions at the zero rate, so free versions, but also many with surcharge. The glasses prescribed by the ophthalmologist on prescription are free, but after good advice, you can also choose to reflect the glasses, and and and.

Whether other opticians also have free versions in the assortment, I understand.

2 years ago

Yeah, you have to pay the glasses yourself. But there are also glasses that are not expensive. The frame is usually available for free. And with the glasses you don’t have to take the high-tech variant. In particular, one should not take the most expensive variant because it is unclear how long the glasses hold because the eyes usually change constantly. Instead of an insurance policy, I would rather take the cheaper option. Compare several opticians in any case. Wait for special offers. I’d take anti-reflective glasses and scratch protection. You don’t usually need more for the glasses.

2 years ago

The first glasses are also unfortunately paid for.

You can choose among different free frames, but the glasses go to your bill.

A lot of pleasure with the new glasses and especially good visibility.

2 years ago

Yes the glasses and also the glasses you have to pay yourself, but there are free frames whether you like it is something else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey29

Vlt made you mistake. There are frames to the 0 tariff. But the glasses in themselves always cost me something. Then, of course, there are extras like de-mirror, thinner glasses, etc., but of course everything costs extra.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey29

Only until 18 J.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey29

I would pay particular attention to the fact that they are unreflected, etc.

the glasses you wear for many hours a day, so you should like them and also fit them.

2 years ago

Exactly – or from 6 Dptr. or from 4 Dptr. Astigmatism or less than 30% visibility

2 years ago


2 years ago

In children and adolescents under the age of 18, the statutory health insurance funds pay for aids such as spectacles.
A recipe is needed for this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey29

This is the current situation. You did not make an indication of age in the question, so most respondents did not assume that you are still underage.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, yes. Only little beautiful frames are still free.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phillip65

And only cheap scrap from the store’s house as a cure