ist die Betäubung die gleiche?
ich muss zum Zahnarzt und habe so wahnsinnige angst vor der betäubung. ich male mir die schlimmsten dinge aus. nun frage ich mich, ob die betäubung die man beim nähen der hand bekommt zum beispiel die gleiche ist? die habe ich gut vertragen und es ist erst 1,5 jahre her ca. dann würde es mir sehr die angst nehmen. habe aber beimn zahnarzt oft lidocain bekommen, weil ich eh wegen dr angst schon herzrasen habe.
Mostly, the same anesthetic agent is used (Lidocain), but possibly a difference is that in the anesthetic agent of the dentist an adrenaline additive is. In some cases, this can lead to circulatory problems and heartaches
After I had probiems several times, I asked for an adenalin-free drug. I had absolutely no problems with that. The disadvantage is that it works shorter (can also be an advantage if you feel everything soon after the treatment). For thread pulling, it is perfectly suitable, for longer drilling etc. may need to be sprayed again
So my recommendation is: ask for it, but announce it before, because it sometimes needs to be prepared
You don’t have to worry. Piecks into the gums are hardly noticeable and the medication is very moderate.
However, since I generally appeal very strongly to anesthetic agents, I have even abraded the overcrowding of all teeth, etched, put small fats, etc. I think it is much less pleasant than the Piecks;-).
It’s just picking up.
An Indian knows no pain 🤦 ♂️
Good improvement 🙏
LG Sky 🌈
Don’t worry about the anesthesia.
clear in the tooth
Yeah, it should be the same.
The anaesthesia isn’t bad, you just feel a pique, that was it.