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So I didn’t get along… which is simply because the 9 € ticket only surpasses an advantage that existed before, but does not change the existing disadvantages that many people do not use the train.
I have to go to university in the morning… if I had to go by train, I would not only be on the road for one and a half hours instead of the 20 minutes by car and would have to change 3 times, but would also come too late with a high probability. I make purchases on foot and when I make them by car, then mostly for my grandparents… who are simply very bad on foot and for which the whole trouble with the train would also be too much, especially since there is no adequate railway connection between the town center and ‘a bit further out where the big grocery shops are located’. Especially since even a suitable rail connection would still not be untied from the water box towing home miles away.
Well, then I partially pick up the child of a friend from the kindergarten, even the one with the car… but the least who support this stupid ticket and actually represent you could pick up children PROBLEMLOS know what a goul there is if a kindergarten child is not picked up… quite apart from the fact that the educators are also energized because the NO desire to stay 30 minutes longer every day.
The 9€ ticket to notorious problem areas (still ) will not bring any significant impact of the relief on the basic situations of daily traffic through delivery/service and professional shuttles, as transportation (species and the like) will remain the same as the individual professional services.
For only 3 months, as good as no currently individually motorized professional commuter will suddenly abolish his own vehicle immediately.
It is more likely to be seen as a medium-term “snap” effect on the ÖPNV in the context of a kind of “study” so that the ÖPNV, after the corona line, may be used alongside regular customers. a few new (future) long-term interests could also catch.
(m.E.) is now primarily about the still “indecisive” which, if necessary, already weigh (longer) over PNV instead of its own KFZ.
The general usage behaviour of the 3 months-long special action will definitely be analyzed for approximately later steps of the Federal Government .
No, on the contrary, the falling petrol prices allow many to access the car again, the driving communities anyway.
I don’t think the highway will be empty in the long term because of the 9 Euro tickets.
a day yes, but that was it.
The motorway serves primarily for long-distance transport and for a long-distance journey, e.g. from Dortmund to Munich, the 9 Euro ticket is completely unusable.
It’s not quite right. In part, short distances can also be reached significantly faster via the motorway. I mean 20-30km. Of course, depends on the starting point and the target. Not everywhere you can use a motorway, but often already (even the two- and three-digit highways).
The 9€ ticket is the reward of the city people, more but not.
So far, it doesn’t matter. But hope dies well known to last 😉
I’d bet something else that some commuters will take the car in the near future to avoid the potential chaos in rail traffic.
If you see the traffic jams on the highway, then no.
Let’s see Sunday, let’s see.
At the same time, petrol prices have fallen
one day, that was it.
Since the fuel prices nearhu remain undisturbed.
before after the evening of the day stand an hour in the stau
For city commuters ok, otherwise I will not put it
I’m just like I’m in traffic 🤷🏼 ♀️
Because all bikes drive…Isso
Not really. The few cars that are missing now don’t worry for a free ride