Ist die App erlaubt LiveATC Air Radio?
Ist die App LiveATC Air Radio legal in Deutschland zu nutzen
Ist die App LiveATC Air Radio legal in Deutschland zu nutzen
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Yes, only German radio will you not hear there, because that is not allowed. Probably a broadcast from the USA or other countries where it is allowed.
Although you can also buy a flight radio, you can’t listen to the flight radio if you’re not actively involved, except that you can’t prove it.
When it comes to learning the terms and listening, such an app is nevertheless useful, as in DE the commercial flight radio is also being conducted in English.
Okay thank you so I can use the app without any concerns
Sure, why shouldn’t it be.
I don’t know because you can’t listen to flight radio
Of course you can.
What you can’t do is listen to BOS Funk (authorities and organs with security tasks)
It is digital and encrypted anyway.
As far as I know it is possible to listen to the radio in Germany but not allowed there are countries where it is allowed, but I can listen to the other countries from Germany for radio (and are apps from the AppStore always allowed)
Oh, yeah. Theoretically, this falls under the telecommunication secrecy for any uninventive reasons.
Then you can buy everything you need for it and it won’t be followed.
Apart from that – the liveATC will probably be valid for the US, and there is no problem at all.
Edit: says the app. You don’t get German ATC