Ist die analoge Canon AE-1 Programm eine halbautomatische Kamera durch das Programm?
So wie ich das verstanden habe kann man das Drehrad auf Automatik stellen und dann wird die Zeit automatisch gestellt und man muß nur noch die Blende Manuell steuern. Habe ich das so richtig verstanden?
Yeah, that’s right.
the AE1P is an automatic shutter with additional “time automation”. Primarily it was about the overrideability (as with Minolta XD/MPS) at reaching the maximum diaphragm values, specifically with “dark zooms”. At that time, the Knipser were usually totally overwhelmed with the finger just to turn on the time wheel correctly, is not different today. The AE1P is also ergonomically different from the AE1.
The “time automation” only works in the case of working diaphragm measurement and you get no time display of extra overexposure or underexposure warning or the shading limit with flashing P.
The program identifier is known, it is possible to couple the diaphragm value display directly to a light value and the closure time required for this purpose. The perfectionists have copied the program codes or brought them to the mass of the film tag by repro. Most of them turned the shutter until the flashing P and knew that they arrived at 1/30tel and turned up again to fit.
There was also a braid with soldering bridge for automatic time display on FD/FDn optics with f index pen. However, it was not for color film, but for SW photoreportage.
Anyone who wanted/used a time machine at Canon bought an AV1, AL1 or A1.
No, if you turn to A, either the shutter and exposure time operated by the camera (in the program mode, so to speak full automatic) or only the screen (for this you set an exposure time on the camera).